Republican Drops Bomb — We Get ‘Our 16 Electoral College Votes Back’

There’s major action tak­ing place in Geor­gia and Democ­rats are not hap­py about it.

Dur­ing a ral­ly on Mon­day in Geor­gia host­ed by Women for Amer­i­ca First, con­ser­v­a­tives came out in sup­port of an audit in the bat­tle­ground state.

One of the most notable aspects came dur­ing an inter­view between radio host John Fred­er­icks and Geor­gia State Sen­a­tor Bran­don Beach.

Beach dis­cussed how the Geor­gia audit process will go in Geor­gia and what will hap­pen if they do indeed find sig­nif­i­cant fraud.

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