Shocking: Experts Promoting “Skinny Jab” Were Getting Money from Company That Sells It

by Chris Black

I am just kidding, this is not shocking at all. It’s just how big-pharma operates.

They did the exact same thing with the Covid vaccine by the way.

Unethical marketing strategies are part and parcel of living under the current system where everything revolves around the “bottom line”.

The Guardian:

During a prime-time breakfast slot on BBC Radio 4 last week, a leading obesity expert sang the praises of a blockbuster new weight-loss treatment.

The appetite-suppressing Wegovy injections were “one of the most powerful pharmaceutical tools” to date for treating obesity, Prof Jason Halford told the nation.

The problem, he said, would be ensuring enough people could get hold of them.


Pfizer was paying not only the entire media, but actually going and paying individual YouTubers to shill the Covid vax.

Then, the government was incentivizing content creators to promote the jab as well.

And of course, if you questioned it, you got banned.

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