Student at college in Crimea shoots and kills 19+. The news actually shows clips from the several security cameras – why don’t they do this in the U.S.?

“At least 19 people have been killed and dozens more wounded in a shooting at a college in Russian-annexed Crimea.

An 18-year-old student ran through the Kerch technical college firing at fellow pupils before killing himself, Russian investigators say.

Witnesses have also spoken of at least one blast caused by an unidentified explosive. The motive is unclear.

Russia seized Crimea from Ukraine in 2014 in a move condemned by many Western powers.

The annexation marked the start of a simmering conflict involving Russian-backed rebels in eastern Ukraine that goes on to this day.” BBC

I’m just curious why we never get to see any clips from our mass shooting security cameras. At least show him entering the damn building..

h/t Sheilaaliens

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