Students blocked from online for not taking covid test … We’ve all lost our minds

Northern Arizona University has cracked down on COVID-19 testing infractions this week, locking students who have not received their mandatory testing out of their online classes as final exams begin.

NAU spokesperson Kimberly Ott told the Arizona Daily Sun that even after three email notifications and a phone call, approximately 25 students did not receive COVID-19 testing or file for an exemption and were notified that NAU would turn off their access to Blackboard Learn (Bb Learn), the learning management system the school uses for all of its classes’ online materials, including the submission of assignments and exams.

The move came as a surprise to faculty, which heard about the action through distressed students when they were unable to access their Bb Learn accounts.

NAU Faculty Senate President Gioia Woods said several faculty were caught off guard by this approach, especially after working hard this semester to help students succeed in light of the many changes brought to campus as a result of COVID-19.

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