“Super Colds” and “Experts predict a Bad Flu season” being rolled out to cover for COVID ADE

by DefiantDragon

Get your COVID shot. Get your Booster shot. Get your Flu shot.

We’re already seeing the groundwork being laid as we tumble headlong into Cold and Flu season, proper.




This one is really interesting:


“Two new preliminary analyses have used mathematical modeling to predict the 2021-22 flu season and found the US is likely to have around 20 percent more flu cases than normal. Under a worst-case scenario, there could be double the number of flu cases than a typical year.

The two papers — which have not yet been peer-viewed — can be found on the preprint server medRxiv here and here. Their models suggest that this winter will likely bring around 600,000 hospitalizations from influenza in the US, over 100,000 more than would happen in a typical season. Paired with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, this could mean real trouble for health infrastructure.”

I suspect that those numbers are going to be much, much higher.

Just for fun, here’s a Harvard Health article from November 2019 – nothing to see here:

Bad flu season predicted — did you get your shot?


How much of COVID-19 ended up being conflated with the flu (the virus that magically vanished, globally, last year)? We may never know.

But the people taking the COVID vaccine are probably fucked for life.

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