The bull case from here is honestly pitiful

by TheRealJugger

All the zirp normies will say otherwise but it is literally all predicated on tulip mania like thinking. At current interest rates the S&P/Naz are more overvalued now then when rates were zero in Nov 2021. Half the justifications for longing profitless shitcos is “fed will bring interest rates back to zero and my stocks will moon”. Think about that for a second, that is a majority of the bull thesis these days🫡

Literally like 6 stocks are controlling the entire market. Take NVDA, it literally says “AI” 98.6 times on earnings while trading at >150x earnings and rallies 100% in 6 months lmao. It is now larger than Berkshire Hathaway lololololol

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Meanwhile the Russell 2000 has literally been taken out back like a horse, executed, turned into glue, and eaten by regards that are buying tech stocks.

I’m not saying mega bear doom lord outcome. Businesses will still continue to grow after some slight recession. It is just the price at which people are willing to buy these companies will change drastically.

TL;DR: This market is a f*cking joke and the people buying into it are brainwashed idiots.


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