Its Finally Happened Folks! CNN Has Fully Given Up On Journalism!! This Needs To Go Viral
Its Finally Happened Folks! CNN Has Fully Given Up On Journalism!! This Needs To Go Viral……

4 thoughts on “Its Finally Happened Folks! CNN Has Fully Given Up On Journalism!! This Needs To Go Viral”

  1. Traditionally, the medical establishment has been the authority on what is best for your health. That is currently being replaced by self-education in nutrition and “alternative,” or natural, health care.
    Religious authorities are becoming ignored in favor of spiritual self-education. Political authorities have been in a crisis of mistrust for so many years that it will take a revival of standards and ethics to salvage the value of political representation.
    When it comes to matters of authority, remember: It is better to be your own authority than to follow the crowd, wherever that crowd is being led.
    Within you is all the insight you ever need to reach wise decisions about every challenge that you ever face. No one on the planet knows more than you about your needs, your situation and your potential to find joy in all of the aspects of your life.
    Basically, it all comes down to these four words:
    Be your own authority.

  2. “”this is how CNN opened it’s susan rice segment this morning. what an embarrassment.””
    really, that is your idea of CNN embarrassment? how about when CNN broadcast obviously phony images of a plane hitting a WTC on 9/11, that wasn’t an embarrassment?
    CNN: cartoon network news. all the validity of bugs bunny.


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