The Most Extreme Political Group in US History

by Martin Armstrong

Numerous Al-Qaeda members were living in the United States before the 9/11 tragedy — the worst disaster on US soil. None of the 19 terrorists were from Afghanistan, but since the group operated in Afghanistan, America invaded. Domestic branches of the terrorist organization continued to operate in the US, but that is not who we are referencing.

The president of the United States recently declared the “MAGA crowd” as “the most extreme political organization that’s existed in American history.” As we live in a two-party system, the president basically labeled nearly half of the US population as extremists aka terrorists. Over 74 million people voted for Trump, and now we know how our commander-in-chief views those who disagree with him.

Trump supporters are now seen as more extreme than Antifa, the Nation of Islam, and the Ku Klux Klan – all three of which are linked to the Democratic Party.

Democratic Georgia state Rep. Vernon Jones called out Joe Biden for his hypocrisy. In fact, Biden eulogized his mentor, Robert Byrd, who was an active member of the KKK. “This is the group that will attack you for being an independent thinker,” Jones said, “This is the same group that said, ‘My body, my choice’ when it comes to abortions but not when it comes to the vaccine mandate. But what happened to, ‘My body, my choice’ then?”

Jones switched from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party after realizing his values no longer aligned with a group that was becoming increasingly aggressive.

“Democrats won’t let black people leave the mental plantation,” Jones said in 2020 at a Trump conference. Biden actually told a reporter, “You ain’t black if you don’t vote for me” while on the campaign trail, and that is the precise thinking all Democrats have. They pretend to be the party of inclusivity and diversity when they are actively dividing the people in every way possible.

Pay attention to words as these politicians’ words have no meaning.

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