The War on Guns is Designed to Allow Tyrannical Government

by Mark Angelides

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” The 2nd Amendment is one of the key methods of ensuring a free society stays free. The basis was to prevent tyrannical governance, but the argument of “the collective rights theory” has been the blade that has undone the stitching to allow far more government intervention in the ownership of firearms and has created back doors to regulation.
One of the more recent studies into Gun Ownership and Crime Stats, carried out by the Crime Prevention Research Center, show conclusively that the more people who have permits to carry in an area, the lower the Crime Rates. They suggest that for every 1% increase in gun permits, there is a 2.5% drop in the murder rate. So more guns in the hands of non-felons likely saves lives! Who’d have thought it?
The applications (and granting) of permits has risen hugely in recent years. Contrary to the Democrat spin machine, it is not straight, white males who are driving this increase: “In the eight states where we have data by gender for both 2012 and 2016, the number of permits increased by 93% for women and by 22% for men –– a 327% faster rate among women.” Is this because women feel unsafe than before? Is it because the world is more “misogynistic” than 5 years ago? Or is there another reason that harks back to the very reason we have the 2nd Amendment in the first place?
The days when women were wallflowers and allowed men-folk to take the lead in their safety and opinions are long gone. Females are more independent than ever before, and as such are now taking on a lot more “personal responsibility”. And one of the key personal responsibilities in any society is (or at least should be) to take adequate care to protect your life and your liberty (Henry Jackson really had the right of it).
Women can see the advent of tyranny in government as clearly as men, and now that we have a society that promotes equality (and opportunity of equality), it is time for them to take an active part in being responsible for what has long been a traditionally male role. They know this; they don’t need me to tell them, the State is slowly but surely trying to put the boot on our necks. It has become more important than ever to ensure our personal protection from tyranny, and this is why we will likely see the “gun divide” in American politics disappear.

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27 thoughts on “The War on Guns is Designed to Allow Tyrannical Government”

  1. The best article I ever read about the evils on gun control was in Pravda. They explained how Russia was the most heavily armed people in the world and how the Bolsheviks took away their weapons and commenced to murder millions of their own people!

  2. While everyone is in a dither about Constitutional amendments and usurpation of paper rights, no one seems to be talking about natural rights.. my natural right to self preservation takes precedence over any government, vote, voter, piece of paper, legislation, etc..
    I will choose and utilize whatever weapon i want and can afford, for self preservation regardless of what anyone or anything else says, against all enemies, foreign, domestic or otherwise!

  3. “The War on Guns is Designed to Allow Tyrannical Government”
    That’s the assertion of an ignoramus or a mental case.
    Guns in citizens’ hands are a defense against nothing from government, whose total resources in weapons and forces, at all levels from the Pentagon to the county sheriff, would make guys out on the street in camouflage suits with rifles and shotguns look like something from “The Mouse That Roared.”
    I can’t believe this kind of utter and complete non-thinking still holds a place in America, but it clearly does.
    For whatever reason,there’s just a lot of mental illness in the United States.

    • The Taliban & Al Queda have been holding off “the most powerful military in the history of the world” for 15+ years. The Vietnamese beat us.

    • Armed citizens won’t stand toe to toe with the military, it would guerilla warfare. Guerilla warfare has been highly successful even against the US military, You would be very surprised at what would happen in ambushes of local police agencies across the country. Many people who would fight the government are ex-military and are trained in tactics. You have no idea at the destruction that could be wrought by armed citizens. There is no where enough military or police to secure the whole country and probably many of them would takes sides with the citizenry.

      • Don’t wast your logic on this fool. He has been reading leftist propaganda so long he has lost his ability to reason. Remember these people do not get educated on real historical fact,

        • Something is very wrong with people who have these crazy thought processes, Leftists are as much the enemy of this country, if not more, than any foreign entity…

    • Only a fool who doesn’t educate himself on the history of war would make this statement.
      “Guns in citizens’ hands are a defense against nothing from government, whose total resources in weapons and forces, at all levels from the Pentagon to the county sheriff, would make guys out on the street in camouflage suits with rifles and shotguns look like something from “The Mouse That Roared.”
      Why Did They Win?
      In these extremely unlikely victories, O’Brien says he has found some common themes.
      “Cooler heads always prevail,” O’Brien explains. “[These commanders] think their way out. They don’t act rashly. … There’s a sort of level of concentration — almost a zen presence — among the commanders who are victorious in these battles.”
      But that doesn’t mean they shy away from conflict, either. Leaders of smaller forces often acted assertively, meeting challenges head-on.
      And don’t forget hubris, O’Brien says: “There’s also, on the other side, almost invariably a great deal of overconfidence which kills an army again and again and again.”
      End Excerpt.
      If the American political system deployed the American military into the streets for political purposes the military would split into factions and become a force for both sides. Only an uneducated fool thinks they can have the American military control a civil war in this nation. It is unrealistic.

    • My guess is that if they dropped me and a squad of my buddies off in the mountains above any city in America, we could “Red Dawn Wolverine” the heck out of that town or city for quite some time before they put us down. And their are millions of us out there Chuckman! Millions.

  4. There has never been a government that banned it’s own ARMED FORCES from “Keeping and Bearing” ARMS.
    Find one government in the history of humanity that felt a need to document a “RIGHT” for it’s ARMED FORCES to possess ARMS.
    Oppressive Governments are ALWAYS banning the People’S RIGHTS to arms.
    The claim that the Founding Fathers wrote the 2nd Amendment to give Our ARMED FORCES a “right” to keep and carry ARMS is S-T-U-P-I-D.
    The only reason for the Second Amendment is to clearly spell-out the GOD GIVEN RIGHT of INDIVIDUALS to keep & bear ARMS.
    The only reason for the BILL(list) of RIGHTS was to codify INDIVIDUALS’ GOD GIVEN RIGHTS.
    Has there ever been a government that was not chock full of it’s “rights” up to and including declaring itself to be the Lord God Almighty?! (Rome, Egypt, Israel,etc)
    Does the 1st Amendment mean the GOVERNMENT is allowed to give speeches? Try shutting up any Politician. But THEY would LOVE to shut YOU up, hence the FIRST Amendment.
    Anyone who tells you the 2nd Amendment applies to the Army or State Militia, is telling you they think you are STUPID.
    There has NEVER been a government that felt it had to codify it’s army’s/soldier’s “RIGHT” to “Keep and BEAR ARMS” because there has NEVER been a government that refused to allow It’s own soldiers to KEEP and BEAR ARMS!
    The Second Amendment was given to the People, like all the other rights in the Bill or Rights. This was confirmed by the SCOTUS in the DC vs Heller decision, where they stated that the “People” in the Second Amendment were the same “People” that are mentioned in the First and Fourth Amendment.
    The 2nd Amendment clearly guarantees the “right of the PEOPLE to keep and bear arms”, and certainly not “the Militia”.
    Why would “the Militia”, a type of army manned by citizen-soldiers as opposed to full-time “regulars”, need a constitutional amendment to guarantee they have the right “to keep and bear arms”?
    Is there any specific statement anywhere in the Constitution that the army Congress is empowered to raise has the “right to keep and bear arms”?
    Of course not. …………. That is assumed.
    It is implicit in the nature of all kinds of armies —- be they militia or regulars, volunteer, conscripted, or mercenary — to be armed.
    They are all “armed forces”.
    They all “bear arms”.
    They all carry guns.
    That is what they do.
    It certainly no more requires an amendment to the Constitution to state that “the Militia” has the RKBA , than a specific statement that the army Congress is empowered to raise may be manned by armed troops.
    “The [U.S.] Constitution is a limitation on the government, not on private individuals … it does not prescribe the conduct of private individuals, only the conduct of the government … it is not a charter for government power, but a charter of the citizen’s protection against the government.” Ayn Rand

  5. Gun Control is not about guns, its about getting you to SUBMIT to government rule. It’s about submission. Once they get you to a point where they can confiscate your guns, its is but a short walk to confiscate your home, your property, your money. To the left, all of that is actually theirs, they own it, you don’t. Your company that you thought you built? Obama said NO YOU DIDN’T. That is the look inside the mind of a liberal socialist progressive communist. What is yours is actually theirs and when they can figure out how to get their hands on it, they will unless you PUSH BACK HARD!!!

  6. There is only ONE COMMA in the 2nd. Amendment. Only the original document has 3.
    See Wikipedia.
    A well regulated militia being the security of a free state, the
    right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
    The House voted on September 21, 1789 to accept the changes made by
    the Senate, but the amendment as finally entered into the House journal
    contained the additional words “necessary to”:
    A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free
    State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be
    On December 15, 1791, the Bill of Rights (the first ten amendments to
    the Constitution) was adopted, having been ratified by three-fourths of
    the states.
    Other than that mistake, a good article.

  7. “Women can see the advent of tyranny in government as clearly as men, and now that we have a society that promotes equality (and opportunity of equality), it is time for them to take an active part in being responsible for what has long been a traditionally male role. They know this”
    Pure propaganda! Women are the ones who vote in the A-wholes who neuter the men and establish the Marxist Nanny States that destroy the family. This is historical fact recounted many times, even Kipling wrote about it


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