To Avoid Subpoena, Fusion GPS Seeks Recusal Of Judge Who Served On Trump Transition

Fusion GPS is ramping up its efforts to avoid giving depositions in a dossier-related lawsuit being heard in federal court.
On Monday, lawyers for the opposition research firm submitted a request to federal court in Washington, D.C. seeking the recusal of Judge Trevor McFadden.
McFadden, the Fusion lawyers note, served on the Trump presidential transition team and also worked at the Justice Department last year, when Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley referred Fusion for potential violations of foreign lobbying laws.
How many so far? 2 or 3 judges so far?
FBI refused to answer under oath if they paid
for Fusion GPS Documents.
Also sending over documents to congress 100% redacted
Congressmen mark meadows said Jeff Sessions justice dept.
As bad if not worse than Obama’s DOJ
starts at 10:30 in:
h/t Goneviral

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