by AMY S.


The Economic Collapse of America is imminent. After President Donald Trump’s Speech on congress, nobody should have any more doubt that the American Economy has been in the process of Collapsing. Donald Trump’s speech to a joint session of Congress is being hailed as his best speech ever.  Even CNN’s Van Jones praised Trump, which shocked many observers.  Jones said that when Trump honored the widow of slain Navy Seal Ryan Owens that it “was one of the most extraordinary moments you have ever seen in American politics”, and Jones believes that Trump “became President of the United States in that moment”.  But Trump’s speech is not just being praised for that one moment.  He detailed many of the most important problems that our nation is facing, and he explained his prescription for addressing those problems.
Hopefully Trump’s words helped people to understand that our problems did not get fixed just because he got elected.  It is going to take extraordinary action to fix those problems, because our problems run very deep.  In particular, Trump made an exceedingly strong case that the U.S. economy has been badly deteriorating for a very long period of time.  The following are 11 quotes from Trump’s speech to Congress that show that the U.S. economy is in a state of collapse…
1 “Ninety-four million Americans are out of the labor force”
2 “Over 43 million people are now living in poverty”
3 “Over 43 million Americans are on food stamps”
4 “More than one in five people in their prime working years are not working”
5 We have the worst financial recovery in 65 years”
#6 “In the last eight years, the past administration has put on more new debt than nearly all of the other Presidents combined”
#7 “We’ve lost more than one-fourth of our manufacturing jobs since NAFTA was approved”
#8 “We’ve lost 60,000 factories since China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001?
#9 “Our trade deficit in goods with the world last year was nearly 800 billion dollars”
#10 “Obamacare premiums nationwide have increased by double and triple digits. As an example, Arizona went up 116 percent last year alone.”
#11  “We’ve spent trillions and trillions of dollars overseas, while our infrastructure at home has so badly crumbled”
The second financial bubble is going to soon burst, and there’s nothing anyone can do about it.
Peter Schiff stated, the Federal Reserve has set up the American economy for financial collapse and market crash for printing trillions of dollars back in 2008 and 2009.
The Federal Reserve’s policies of printing trillions of dollars back in ’08-09 have locked into place a serious financial crisis at some point in our future, Going so far as to intimate the economic collapse will occur at least some time in the next two years Paul wrote, It’s unavoidable, and even Donald Trump can’t stop it.
Trump will be the patsy for the supposed impending financial ruin. Just like everyone blamed Obama for the financial collapse in 2009, this time, Trump will unfairly get the blame, the former Texas representative wrote. Prepare for the coming stock market crash and economic collapse.


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