We Have Less Than Two Weeks to Finalize Preparation

by sundance

I do not know how better to emphasize the points other than to be direct and brutally honest.  Sometimes you just have to call the baby ugly.  The window to prepare for the incoming crisis of our lifetime is now down to two weeks.  Hopefully, that is specific enough.

As we have discussed on these pages, the interventionist policies and regulations from the people creating the COVID response (writ large) have been fubar from the beginning. {Go Deep} When they shut down the restaurants and hospitality sector (2020 lockdowns), the advisors and bureaucrats triggered a cascading series of events inside the food supply chain {Go Deep}.

Every policy implementation since then has made matters worse {Go Deep}

Adding to the supply chain and inflation crisis, in about a week the vaccine mandate and subsequent commercial passport means 30,000 cross border truckers are about to get shut down from operating between the United States and Canada.

70% of the 700 billion in trade between Canada and the US is moved by truck. This will have a dramatic effect on supplies and services reaching their destination and getting in the hands of those who need them. One needs to look no further than the recent UK fuel shortage, where the military had to be brought in to deliver fuel as a result of a lack of truck drivers. We are already seeing shortages, if these shortages reach critical levels on items such as fuel, food, blood, medicine or medical supplies, we will see real long-lasting damage.

~ Mike Milliam, President of the Private Motor Truck Council of Canada

As noted by those following the issue(s) closely: “Starting January 15th, 2022, truckers must show a proof of vaccine to cross the Canada/US borders. Since March 2020, drivers were considered “essential”. They could cross the border without a covid test or the vaccine. Under Biden/Trudeau administration, this is about to change”:

22 000 truckers are about to lose their job. But this estimate is from the Canadian Trucking Association. The Private Motor Truck Council of Canada (PMTC) estimated this number closer to 31 000 truckers.

We are looking at a meltdown of the supply chain, or at least some severe disruption.

Get everything you need now. Inflation is about to get real. (read more)

CTH readers are already well versed in the domestic side of this issue {Go Deep}.  When you overlay the USMCA aspect and recognize the critical sectors of the North American economy that are reliant upon each other; and when you realize that no one outside of the blue collar crews who have specific expertise in applying commonsense to this equation are talking about it, then you begin to realize what is obviously about to hit, and yet all will claim they never saw it coming.

We have approximately two weeks left.  After that, I genuinely do not know what things will look like…. but I do know it will not be good.  We are in very uncharted and unstable waters.

Act as if… or be acted upon.  Ultimately, this appears to be our choice right now.

If we are wrong, then we will breathe a sigh of relief.  However, if we are correct….

….. FUBAR!




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