When you see someone from the “Walkaway” campaign and if you are a Trump supporter, do exactly that, walk away.

by Deplorable Patriot

One of Qanons recent Qposts was a link to a video that was about the “Walkaway” campaign.  In the title it had “the Great Awakening”. (I’m not providing the link because I do not want to give it anymore exposure.  Just enough to pull its covers). The guy  in the video talked about how he used to be a liberal and made a change.  the video was a scam where its victims were mainly republicans, Trump supporters and members of the Qanon army.   It was just another shady move by the democrats and liberals. I’ll explain.

They know that in order to have any chance to win in 2020 they need to reconstruct their party and reduce Trump’s voter base. The socialist angle will never work and there is way too much damage the their party to have any chance at winning with their party in its current state.   They needed to do something drastic. They created a third party.  A party that’s new and will give the appearance that  and hates the current democrat leadership and how it handles thing.  They come up with the “Walkaway” campaign.

Some of the things they say are that they  tired of the same old party and that they are  tired of being let down and being lied to.  They saw how Trump won.  They saw that part of that was by  be getting to the hearts of fed up Americans.  They saw how he got Americans motivated.  So they copied him.

If you were to watch the video you would see  how the build up in the video is the same as Trumps campaign. The guy talks about the same things Trump did.  Just like Trump, he pointed out  problems and  let Americans know that they are not the only ones that are sick and tired about the way things have been going.  They are doing exactly what Trump did.  It was like they took a Trump video and removed Trump and put someone in his place. A total “knock off.”   And it stinks.

Problem 1:“Walkaway” campaign might be walking away from the democratic party and the nasty liberals, but guess what, they are still democrats at heart. At no point in time did I hear anyone say that they are going to be republicans.  I didn’t hear  anyone  say they are going to vote for Trump.   They call themselves the “Walkaway” campaign.   Not the Trump Campaign.  Different parties, different bank accounts.  This is a different party, unrelated to Trump’s campaign.

Second Problem: The are using “The Great Awakening” name. Qpost links to the video so patriots go watch the video.  During the video the “Walkaway” campaign were taking donations. Since Qpost linked to video and they called themselves “the Great Awakening”, patriots naturally thought the “Walkaway” campaign was part of the Qanon movement.  They made donations.  So we ended up with patriots fooled and screwed.  They gave their money to democrats. Keep in mind that democrats and liberals have been,  and are attacking patriots in every possible way.  One day they are putting our people in hospital. The next day the same patriots that they put in the hospital are giving them their money. The “Walkaway” movement has taken advantage of  the patriots by using the Great Awakening name. Q just provided the link. That does not mean give them your money.

I understand that when  a person leaves the party,   It does not mean they are coming to your party. It wasn’t the same for many others..
Democrats are dividing their party by creating the “Walkaway” campaign.  They are also dividing and snagging Trumps voter base while doing it. This is one the democrats and liberals last ditch efforts to finish Trump.
Trump will praise the “Walkaway” campaign because they are splitting their party.  Some may have left the party and voted for Trump.  But most of them are just unhappy with their old party and want a change.  It does not mean they like the republicans now.  The “Walkaway” campaign at it’s heart are democrats and will always be democrats. If they switched to be conservatives they would just assimilate into the republican party. They would not need their own name.   their own campaign. They would not need to take donations.

This whole thing sounds like an “insurance policy”. but it wont work. Some people got fooled out of their money. There is plenty of time to inform them to what happened and keep them as Trump supporters.   We just need to keep them informed.
People need to remember, the Qanon movement, Calm before the storm, Great Awakening has never accepted donations and never will. Qanon has made that very clear in the beginning. If anyone is asking for donations and claiming to be part of Qanon.  They are frauds. Save your money and “walk away”.
Why should we believe you?

Remember that I am an opinion journalist.  this is my assessment of an event that took place.
You don’t have to believe me but in this situation understand that  I am a former mod from the Great Awakening.  The real one.  The one that got banned.  I am still very much involved with Qanon movement on a daily basis. Believe me when I say, We do not want your money and never will. If you must, give your money to the Trump Campaign. Remember Qanon, Trump, insider, etc. Also, why the hell would they want you giving your money to a different campaign? think logically, trust the plan.
Deplorable Patriot

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