UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05797604 Date: 11/30/2015 RELEASE IN FULL
Hillary Clinton’s Blood Clot Treatment And The Need For Privacy By Dr. Marc Siegel FOX News Thursday, January 3, 2013 Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s happy departure from Columbia Presbyterian Hospital the day after New Year’s was not shrouded in mystery – nor was it announced with great fanfare. This is as it should be. A powerful politician’s health is naturally of great interest to the public and can even serve as a learning tool for various diseases for other people at risk for them. But keep in mind that these high-profile individuals are human beings who are entitled to their privacy, and their physicians are bound by the same HIPPA laws that govern all medical details for all patients. In fact Secretary Clinton’s neurologist at Columbia, who I heard from yesterday, is a top national expert on strokes, brain clots, bleeds, and head trauma. She couldn’t be in better hands. Her condition, Right Transverse Sinus Thrombosis, is a fancy term for a blood clot forming in one of the main sinuses (a drain) of the brain. This clot can lead to brain swelling or a stroke, and it is certainly life threatening. However, in a situation where it is found incidentally and no symptoms have been exhibited, the risk is less because the brain’s venous system may have found another way to drain while the clot is in the process of being dissolved.
So where was the raghead on Sept 11th? Not beside her mama that’s for sure. Where is/was she? Hiding in case she got the tip off she’s next in line for the Vince Foster treatment……?
Yes, Huma is in trouble with the bosses
Well apparently it’s not deadly enough..
You can say that again~
That made me laugh.
Very worrying if she becomes president, if her condition strikes she may find it difficult to distinguish between friend and enemy.
God help America.
God help us MORE if she’s fit to govern…..
You beat me to it!
“Why did this clot in the brain occur in the first place?”
Why? It wouldn’t be from a plane crash in Iran on a secret mission there, where a SEAL Team CO that was her escort, died in that crash, and was “thanked” for his service by a news report that said he committed suicide in Afghanistan, would it?
SEAL Team COs do not commit suicide, Hillary really belongs in a prison hospital….