Windows 7 AMD users: DO NOT INSTALL KB4056894

This will BSOD your AMD machine.
BEWARE! This “update” can fuck your system, as it has mine.
My user account with admin rights now acts like a standard user account. I cannot login as Administrator in any way. I cannot access many directories (e.g. Documents and Settings). I cannot run CMD as Administrator. I cannot run regedit. I cannot run Setup from the DVD. When I boot to Safe Mode, there is no keyboard nor mouse response.
I had no idea this morning that I would need to wipe my HD and start all over again. Thanks, microjerk, for this wonderful kick to the nutsack.
Does anybody have any suggestions on how to deal with or, even better, remove this POS update? All the standard ways of removal either do not work, or are inaccessible.
remove the update package using DISM. On startup, press F8 and select Repair Your Computer. From there, open a command prompt window. Check that the Windows drive is mapped by running
dir d:
Run the command
dism /image:d:\ /remove-package /packagename:Package_for_RollupFix~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~76?01.24002.1.4 /norestart
The Microsoft fix for Intel chips (which doesn’t actually fix the problem) has killed off many AMD chips in Windows 10 too.
Think someone wants to kick start the economy by forcing everyone to buy new computers and bankrupt other countries that cannot afford to do so. Will cost companies and governments etc. countless billions.
h/t Cartel

3 thoughts on “Windows 7 AMD users: DO NOT INSTALL KB4056894”

  1. Try Linux. I have had about 7 updates in the last 6 days with everyone having a kernel update to fix the problem. So Far,so good. Don’t notice any slowdown.

  2. Might want to try this first (less typing) – the above did not work for me. This should reverse pending package actions and upon reboot reverse any package changes. If successful, be sure to turn OFF automatic updates. You might also want to hide this update until MS gets its act together.
    DISM /image:X: /cleanup-image /revertpendingactions
    I had two older AMD machines running WIN 7 32-bit that I thought might be bricked by this update (CPU’s AMD 4450e and 3300+). One I was able to restore by booting off a WIN7 installation (repair) disk and reverting to a restore point. The second required the DISM revertpending instructions. Both had booted to and froze at a “Starting Windows” screen with black background (thanks yet again, Microsoft).
    Credit to WakeXT:


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