CCP China Laughing at the world as THOUSANDS pack face to face no masks in massive pool parties

So, here we are almost 1 year later…

China is living the life of rielly,while the rest of the world is locked down…


The sight of partygoers in Wuhan, China piling into a water park without masks or social distancing seems like a cruel joke to nations where no measures, however disruptive, seem to be helping against the Covid-19 pandemic.

Wuhan is where the first cases of the SARS-CoV-2 novel coronavirus were first observed in late 2019. The city of 11 million, and much of the surrounding Hubei province, were placed under strict lockdown to halt the spread of the virus. The lockdown included drastic measures such as people getting their front doors welded shut, if one is to believe photos circulating online.



h/t me777

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