After the Fukushima accident, Hillary Clinton signed a deal permitting Japan to continue importing irridated fish and other goods to the US, even while other nations are turning them away.

After the Fukushima accident, Hillary Clinton signed a deal permitting Japan to continue importing irridated fish and other goods to the US, even while other nations are turning them away. These goods continue to land on our shelves and in restaurants. 100% of blue fin tuna tests positive for high levels of radiation. I avoid rice, tea, sushi, electronics, vehicles, and even cosmetics that originate from or are manufactured in Japan. Many women’s cosmetics, even high end ones, such as Trish McAvoy, are made in Japan. Dior is not. Japan can’t stop the melt downs. They will continue spewing out radition for years to come. Japan is finished. She just doesn’t know it yet.
It is also noteworthy that Japan has been giving the Palestinians hundreds of millions of dollars and demanding Israel cede large chunks of land to the Palestinians, and is demanding a 2-state “solution.” Makes ya wonder if God didn’t strike Japan in punishment. Japan, however, continues supporting the Palestinians undeterred.
Yvonne Steiner
Radiating Americans: Fukushima rain, Clinton’s secret food pact
Government agreed to downplay Fukushima radiation
Fukushima is far from stabilized according to energy advisor veteran with 39 years of nuclear power engineering experience, Arnie Gundersen who told Solar IMG Saturday that Americans, not just in the northwest, are unaware of being rained on with Fukushima nuclear hot particles and eating Fukushima contaminated food because the US government has deliberately minimized the catastrophe, partially due to a pact Secretary of State Hillary Clinton signed with Japan. Gundersen, with a team of other scientists, intends to prove government statements about Fukushima are false.
“The United States came up with a decision to downplay Fukushima,” said Gundersen who is awakening the public with information such as hot particles in rain will continue falling in the U.S., not just in the Pacific Northwest, for another year, and mentioning high-level fallout in Oklahoma a few days ago.
Gundersen told SolarIMG that high-level people he knows in the State Department said Hillary Clinton signed a pact with her counterpart in Japan agreeing for the United States to continue buying food from Japan, despite that food not being properly tested for radioactive materials.
“So we are not sampling the food coming into the United States,” he said, repeating, “The US government has come up with a decision at the highest levels of the State Department, as well as other departments who made a decision to downplay Fukushima.”
In April, the month after the powerful tsunami and earthquake crippled Japan including its nuclear power plant, “Hillary Clinton signed a pact with Japan that she agreed there is no problem with Japanese food supply and we will continue to buy them so we are not sampling food coming in from Japan” according to Gundersen.
This is a blatant lie from the UN where Hilary just gave her blatant lie about her emails. Go figure! The Supreme Court law that says service people can’t sue the government should be overturned.
That law just gave the sadistic people in charge the OK to use people as experiments! Agent orange, anthrax injections, radiation from Fukushima and God knows what else. Those “Natzis” in charge need to be expelled, jailed and removed from their positions!?

UN Report Says “Japan No Cancer Rise Fukushima”

Heidi Begley uncovers a United Nation report from May of 2013 reported by the Huffington Post that “Japan will not suffer higher cancer rates” from the March 11,2011 earthquake of 9.0 in also…

12 thoughts on “After the Fukushima accident, Hillary Clinton signed a deal permitting Japan to continue importing irridated fish and other goods to the US, even while other nations are turning them away.”

  1. After 9/11, by militarizing the police and the American people lose freedom, US police treats its citizens as the IDF against the Palestinians. This crime against its citizens, the United States establish fascism for their people.

  2. hillary hasn’t been a gov anything since feb 1st 2013 and she was secretary of state how could she possibly be authorised to sign anything ,are you people stupid enough to believe a private citisen could sign any agreement with a foreign gov. ………well at least 2 of you are and BTW im a repub ,idiots never do research just believe anything you’re told by some far right rag

      • H Clinton served as the 67th United States Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013. A 15-metre tsunami disabled the power supply and cooling of three Fukushima Daiichi reactors, causing a nuclear accident on 11 March 2011.In April, the month after the powerful tsunami and earthquake crippled Japan including its nuclear power plant, “Hillary Clinton signed a food pact with Japan.

    • She was Secretary of State at the time. Know your facts before you start pointing fingers. Not jumping on you exactly, I’ve done the same thing but two wrongs don’t make a right.

  3. JAPAN has censored their people- THEY will JAIL people who will report the truth. FOR this reason alone we should step in but AMERICA has changed. This country is NOT helping by allowing their censorship. THE US Military had people out there when this happened and they went into the plume with their people on the deck- many sick and have died- SO this whole piece is a fabrication.

  4. Btch Klinton is a war criminal and a traitor! Everything is poisoned now because of Planet X!
    The entire government are evil treasonous criminals. The day of the next false flag using the nuke they stole in 2007 and blamed on Iran, America will be destroyed by Russia, China and the SCO. This is the war of Armageddon and you can know it is now because of Planet X and the toxic chemtrails that hide it every day. Planet X will end the war when it rips the earth apart again but 90% of Americans will be dead already. All planned by your evil government.

  5. and this could be why in 2016 hillery is having black outs and parkinson’s symptoms, radiation poison or thyroid cancer. ??? MYSTERY ILLNESS??? FUKUSHIMA IS KILLING YOU.


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