American Center For Law And Justice Uncovers Shocking Collusion Between Obama, DOJ, FBI, And MSM.

by Ruby Henley
The American Center for Law and Justice founded by President Trump’s new lawyer Jay Sekulow has uncovered collusion beyond anything ever documented in the history of government.  I have heard so many times “a cover-up could not occur, because too many people would have to be involved.”  That is the excuse given in so many cases to influence the public to disbelieve in “cover-ups.”  In this case it proves that many people will work together in different areas of government agencies and media outlets, in fact, to cover-up and collude to protect a “higher-up.” The American people must upgrade their way of thinking after understanding how wide reaching the cover-up is in the Clinton/Lynch tarmac meeting.  
The FBI lied that it had “no” documents when the ACLJ sued for them, the media was colluding with the Obama DOJ to bury the story,  AG Lynch (AKA Elizabeth Carlisle) was using a secret email address to conduct official business, and the ACLJ has, also, uncovered that the White House was involved.  You have a White House, a FBI, a Department of Justice, and several news outlets colluding to hide one meeting between a former President and an Attorney General.  We must realize this meeting had to be a huge criminal endeavor.  
As stories of collusion between President Trump and Russia have dominated government, news media, and American lives for months now, it is surreal to read about true criminal collusion between vital government agents.  It is an insult to the American people, but this story also proves so many situations we have been led to believe could not occur, in fact, do occur and do involve a large number of people.
What the ACLJ has uncovered will help defeat Mueller’s special counsel investigation of President Trump.  In fact, after reading the below I don’t see how they can possibly win.  I am extremely thankful President Trump has Jay Sekulow on his team.
On the afternoon of June 29, 2016, two days after the Clinton-Lynch meeting, senior DOJ officials forwarded an email containing a transcript of AG Lynch’s press availability where she answered questions about the meeting directly to the Assistant Press Secretary and Spokeswoman at the Obama White House, Brandi Hoffine, that stated, “I’ve attached a document containing the transcript to this email, and I’ve included the text below. Please let me know if there is anything that needs to be corrected.”
Nineteen minutes later, the same senior DOJ official, Melanie Newman – the person who had taken point on the DOJ spin team – emailed the FBI to “flag” the story about the meeting – an email the Comey-led FBI told us last October didn’t exist. This email included the now redacted talking points – key spin the Obama deep state still doesn’t want the public to see.
It was Comey himself who testified that the Clinton-Lynch meeting was the impetus for his now infamous public announcement exonerating Hillary Clinton. He testified before Congress, “[I]n an ultimately conclusive way, that was the thing that capped it for me, that I had to do something separately to protect the credibility of the investigation, which meant both the FBI and the Justice Department.” We know that AG Lynch’s Deputy Chief of Staff contacted Comey’s Chief of Staff and Counselor, Jim Rybicki, with information that is still redacted on July 1st, just days before Comey’s public announcement.
We’ve also learned that within 2 minutes of the first press inquiry about the Clinton-Lynch meeting, senior DOJ officials had added Matthew Axelrod, the Principal Associate Deputy Attorney General, into the conversation. Axelrod was the number two to Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates and according to his bio, “took the lead in advising on crisis management within the DOJ, working closely with the White House, Congress, the FBI, and the media on DOJ’s most sensitive and high-profile matters.”
So within 2 minutes of learning that the press had found out about the secret Clinton-Lynch meeting, senior DOJ officials knew they had a crisis on their hands.
But it gets even worse. We’ve also learned that Paige Herwig, Counselor to AG Lynch, was directly editing the still redacted talking points. Herwig is now the Deputy General Counsel to the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary for Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein – the committee that is now investigating the Lynch matter. Before becoming Counselor to AG Lynch, Herwig was Special Assistant and Associate Counsel to President Obama.
The conflict of interest is astounding. Committee staff who are supposedly investigating this situation were the same people creating the talking points – Obama loyalists investigating themselves.
The most astounding aspect of all of this collusion is the mainstream media’s role.  If you ever really wanted to know what “fake news” really is.  You are about to understand just how deep collusion between the government and certain mainstream news media publications really go.  It runs so deeply, it is much more prevalent than most of us could ever have imagined.
There is clear evidence that the main stream media was colluding with the DOJ to bury the story. A Washington Post reporter, speaking of the Clinton Lynch meeting story, said, “I’m hoping I can put it to rest .” The same Washington Post reporter, interacting with the DOJ spin team, implemented specific DOJ requests to change his story to make the Attorney General appear in a more favorable light. A New York Times reporter apologetically told the Obama DOJ that he was being “pressed into service” to have to cover the story. As the story was breaking, DOJ press officials stated, “I also talked to the ABC producer, who noted that they aren’t interested, even if Fox runs with it.”
Two days after the meeting, DOJ officials in a chain of emails that includes emails to Attorney General Lynch herself stated that the media coverage of the meeting “looks like all or most are FOX” and that “CBS . . . just says a few lines about the meeting.”
Fourth, DOJ bureaucrats have redacted all the talking points, discussions of talking points, a statement on the meeting that was apparently never delivered because there was not enough media coverage on the meeting, and its substantive discussions with the FBI on the matter. They absurdly claim the “deliberative process exemption” to FOIA, which is only supposed to apply to agency rulemaking processes.
The American Center for Law and Justice feels very optimistic about their investigation in Ex-Attorney General Loretta Lynch.  It appears if they are right, a lot of heads are going to roll, but President Trump’s will not be one of them.  I think you will enjoy reading the timeline of the key emails uncovered by the ACLJ.
You can read the email chain at this link:–breakdown-of-uncovered-lynch-clinton-emails
The following is a timeline of the key emails uncovered by the ACLJ during its investigation of the clandestine meeting between Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton in the middle of the ongoing criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton over her email scandal.
The full document production, including the still redacted talking points can be found here.
In the timeline below, corresponding page numbers have been added in brackets to the actual emails in the full document production.

32 thoughts on “American Center For Law And Justice Uncovers Shocking Collusion Between Obama, DOJ, FBI, And MSM.”

    • I know. What I wanted to stress in this writing is we have always been told, “Oh, there could not be a cover-up in a certain case, due to too many people would have to be involved.” This proves that is simply not the case, and we can never look at any criminal cover-up in that way. We need to upgrade our way of thinking and get with the program.

      • Ruby – there was no intended criticism whatsoever, however, ‘we’ are well-awake. It’s the other 95% we cannot reach, who think Trump is a savior, Putin is bad, N Korea wants to nuke us, we need more ‘quack quack cards and not use dirty money (I expect to soon see many articles on disease and pestilence spread by ‘touching money’…).
        No, I APPLAUD your efforts and work – and I often take these and ‘cut & paste’ onto Craigslist, where it is met with the typical derision (I’m a well-known ‘Conspiratard’ who “cannot handle the truth”), wherein these posts are generally flagged and removed within an hour or 3.
        There is almost a…..passion? for ignoring the truth – trying to make it ‘just go away’, and Amerikans will do almost anything to keep their head’s buried from the truth. An almost Normalcy Bias At All Costs anger.
        Keep up the good work. Sometimes my sarcastic wit is a bit misconstrued!

        • Oh, please I take no offense at all. I understand exactly what you mean. I found the fact that there were many entities involved in this cover-up should alert us to the “myth that this could not happen.” It clearly can happen if you have many committed to the same goal. Lets not forget, too, many have signed the same contract to keep these secrets. We must begin to first accept this fact and example to wake up and smell the coffee.

  1. Chances are they already have a plea bargain worked out — they plead guilty to a slight misdemeanor, get fined $100 or so, and in return all the charges that actually matter are dropped.

      • OUR SHARED and mostly ignored HISTORY always REPEATS over and OVER,like NK,
        after WW1 the nations capitol was home to a massive protest of the unpaid troops, they where beaten and tossed out,same would happen again today.
        IF we get nuked by the NK or OUR best fiend Israel then all bets are off, but we did the ONLY atom bomb attacks, shame on the USA!
        PS: there are MORE aliens HERE than BLACKS!

        • The biggest problem at hand is North Korea, as far as this land being nuked and people poisoned. However, the overall problem is nothing we can do anything about now. Barack Obama opened the door to the New World Order, and they walked in a long time ago. Trump is fighting a losing battle. North Korea is an all out physical threat right now. We need to let Trump do what he does best – fight loud and clear – bomb their butts off.

      • Who among those who could bring it about would actually like to see such a disruption? Not one of them. Even Trump keeps playing their game instead of draining the swamp.
        With nobody willing to cause a disruption, it’s not going to happen.

    • It is much more than that. It is a microcosm example of what the macrocosm really is. The microcosm is the ruling elite in DC, but the macrocosm is the New World Order which is in control now. Trump is still fighting, and the little guys read the news and talk about it, but in reality we are now as little guys looking up at the New World Order.

  2. The FBI lied that it had “no” documents when the ACLJ sued for them, the media was colluding with the Obama DOJ to bury the story, AG Lynch (AKA Elizabeth Carlisle) was using a secret email address to conduct official business, and the ACLJ has, also, uncovered that the White House was involved.
    You have a White House, a FBI, a Department of Justice, and several news outlets colluding to hide one meeting between a former President and an Attorney General.
    We must realize this meeting had to be a huge criminal endeavor.

  3. Comey himself testified that the Clinton-Lynch meeting was the impetus for his now infamous public announcement exonerating Hillary Clinton. He testified before Congress, .

  4. within 2 minutes of learning that the press had found out about the secret Clinton-Lynch meeting, senior DOJ officials knew they had a crisis on their hands.

  5. The conflict of interest is astounding. Committee staff who are supposedly investigating this situation were the same people creating the talking points – Obama loyalists investigating themselves.

  6. Don’t expect toothless watchdog Sessions or newly appointed FBI Director Wray to do a damned thing about this. Trump has surrounded himself with enemies, begging the question – Are they really enemies? Or is he just restocking the Swamp?

    • The situation is a complete trap for the uninformed to fall into. If we could stand back and truly look at the big picture, which we, as typical little guys are not tall enough to see over the wall of Washington DC; we would accept the fact we simply do not understand. We cannot see the forest for the trees. I think it is time we must accept there are two sides at war right now, and the little guys are just watching at this point. You have the sovereign Patriots of the US represented by Trump, and then you have the New World Order represented by the DNC and the Deep State. The Deep State is no longer a lover of the sovereign US, for it no longer exists. The New World Order has taken control, and Trump and the Patriots are still trying to push it out. But it is too late, and if we want to really face up to how it happened, then we need to face up to the fact we allowed Barack Obama to become ruler over this precious land.

    • You should be shocked to realize the example of the collusion in this instance is in fact nothing more than the blatant truth screaming to you…to all of us Patriots…put your hands up and fly your white flag. It is over for the US, for all the talk and gab, we are doing nothing to stop the situation at hand. The New World Order is now in control. Situations such as this are commonplace now and will continue to be. The question is what are we going to do about it?

      • So whatcha want me to do? Go hunting? Bring one of ’em around and goad him into taking the first swing and I’ll bust him up for ya, but, beyond that, all I can do is buy a little more ammo and be “woke”, eh?
        .22, .38/.357, and two different kinds of .45

        • No, that will only get you in trouble and put you in the slammer. People must unite behind President Trump and behind someone like the American Center for Law and Justice with Jay Sekulow at the helm. He is already President Trump’s attorney, and if the people do not use their brains first and unite behind someone like Sekulow and his institution, or Larry Klayman or Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch, there will never be change for the better. If everyone is locked away, what good will that do?

  7. “No character, however upright, is a match for constantly reiterated attacks, however false.” Alexander Hamilton
    President Trump is up to his nose in globalists. I pray the coup waits till after the mid-terms.


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