Americans losing faith in doctors amid widespread COVID deception, fraud

by: Ethan Huff

(Natural News) More people than ever before are waking up to the scam of Western medicine, and we have the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic to thank for it.

An increasing number of Americans who used to trust the system are now saying to themselves, “I will never trust another doctor again.” Their reasons include the medical profession’s obvious shift away from science into a full-fledged death cult.

The covid agenda has really amplified this, showing that so-called “doctors” are now practicing medicine based on what the White House, Big Media and Big Pharma tell them to do. Science, meanwhile, has been tossed out the window.

“In private conversations with people they trust, American citizens are heaping contempt on doctors for forcing a narrative on us that had no basis in science,” writes Randi Pinkerton for American Thinker.

“Many of us, perhaps even the majority, immediately recognized this virus for what it is: a common flu virus maybe engineered to be more contagious if not more fatal but hardly differing substantially from other influenza strains.”

Deep down, most people, including those who on the surface seem to be buying into the plandemic hoax, probably know this. Since they foolishly went along with wearing a mask and getting jabbed, though, they are now too prideful and embarrassed to fess up to their mistake.

Some of them, however, are speaking up. Those who previously believed, or at least wanted to believe, what the television and social media were saying can now see that they were lied to – and they are not happy about it.

“It seems that our doctors went along with the hoax to a large degree because it put them in the spotlight,” Pinkerton further explains about why so many doctors went along with the ruse.

“Amazingly, almost none of them questioned the lies. They abandoned everything they’d learned in Virology 101 and went full ‘cry wolf.’ It worked out well for them. Suddenly, they were the focus of attention, and their words were hung on breathlessly.”

The chickens are coming home to roost for the plandemic deceivers

The honeymoon would not last forever, though. After basking in all that attention and loving it, these same doctors are finally starting to get some pushback even from their loyal followers who trusted them.

As more evidence continues to emerge showing that face masks are unsafe and ineffective, and that the same is true about the “vaccines,” those who fell for these ritualistic behaviors wants answers.

Why did the medical profession as a whole capitulate to these lies when it was obvious to many right from the beginning that plandemic “safety” protocols were all contrived? Why were hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and ivermectin restricted from being prescribed when they could have put a swift end to the lockdowns and other restrictions?

Every person who comes to the realization that he or she was lied to by what was supposed to be a “trusted” profession, medicine, now wants to know why “do no harm” was completely done away with in favor of full-scale medical fascism? And what happened to my body, my choice?

“Does the medical community understand that it has sacrificed the trust of Americans, possibly forever?” Pinkerton asks. “Does it even acknowledge the self-inflicted wounds that will now affect the relationship between doctors and their patients going forward?”

“How do doctors and nurses reclaim the trust of patients? Is that even possible now? Because in the cold light of day, it looks as if they were either stupid or malevolent. Given that they’re supposed to be educated people, malevolent appears to be the more likely.”

The latest news about public backlash against Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) tyranny can be found at

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