FAA fines passengers $119,000 for refusing to wear useless masks during air travel

by: Ethan Huff

(Natural News) The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has issued at least $119,000 worth of fines against airline passengers accused of refusing to wear a face mask during flight.

One passenger who flew Allegiant Air on Feb. 27 from Provo, Utah, to Mesa, Ariz., was fined $10,500 for allegedly refusing to wear his mask “properly,” meaning over the nose and mouth.

“Flight attendants instructed him seven separate times to wear his facemask properly, and each time he moved it off of his nose after the flight attendant walked away,” a press release from the FAA explains.

“When told that he needed to cooperate and provide information to fill out a passenger disturbance report, he argued with the flight attendant, refused to provide his identification, said he would continue to pull his facemask down, and claimed that it was fine just over his mouth.”

After the flight touched the ground, the passenger allegedly walked up to the flight attendant in question just as she was about to open the door to the cabin and supposedly “touched her.”

The man was being “aggressive about the facemask policy,” according to the FAA, which claims the flight attendant then started to “cry.” The FAA says it maintains a zero-tolerance policy for such behavior, calling it unruly and dangerous.

When will the Chinese Virus tyranny end?

At least eight other passengers have similarly been fined by the FAA this past year under similar accusations. In many of the cases, passengers consumed alcohol they brought onto the plane and proceeded to “assault” other passengers or flight crew.

All in all, the FAA has issued $119,000 worth of fines this past year, ranging from $7,500 per incident up to $21,500.

Since the beginning of the year, the FAA says it has received 3,271 reports of unruly passenger behavior. Of these 2,475 involved passengers who allegedly refused to wear a mask “correctly” as demanded by Tony Fauci, Joe Biden, and the rest of the plandemic crew.

“During the same timeframe, the FAA has proposed more than $682,000 in fines against unruly passengers, including today’s cases,” the FAA says.

In Iowa, a man is having to serve 10 years in prison for supposedly “assaulting” a mask Nazi who was harassing him in a parking lot.

In that case, the unmasked man was approached by a masked busybody who demanded that the unmasked man cover his nose and mouth to help “flatten the curve.” This resulted in a confrontation that left the unmasked man culpable for crimes, even though he was the victim.

Instead of minding his own business, the masked man assaulted the unmasked man and provoked him. And yet the “justice” system sided with the masked man since everything is now completely upside-down in the “new normal.”

Even though it has repeatedly been shown that masks do nothing to stop the spread of germs – this is in addition to causing harm and overloading the wearer’s body with carbon dioxide (CO2) – the government under Beijing Biden continues to demand that everybody wear one while flying.

Until this comes to an end, many Americans are refusing to fly. Under normal circumstances, this would have the effect of eventually causing the airlines to drop their tyrannical policies due to declining business.

Thanks to corporate handouts from the government, however, airlines and other businesses continue to go right along with the Chinese Virus tyranny.

“Not wearing a little piece of cloth over your face is not causing trouble,” wrote one commenter at The Hill.

“It’s not even ‘keeping you safe’ as you have been told and is probably even detrimental to the spread of the Wuhan chimera as mask wearers believe they have magic safety powers and continually touch their faces while adjusting those dirty, virus filled, snot rags.”

More related news stories about Chinese Virus oppression and tyranny can be found at Pandemic.news.

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