Fear spreads in L.A. after immigration 'raid' described as routine, protests erupt on streets, ICE sweeps spiking…

The panicked emails and phone calls began streaming in from community members at about 11 a.m. Thursday morning, inundating Los Angeles immigration lawyers with far more cases than usual. Immigrant advocate groups claim that more than 100 people had been taken into custody by federal immigration officials in Southern California Thursday, indicating a “coordinated sweep” in arrests and heightening fears that Donald Trump’s promise to crackdown on deportations had begun to take effect.
Police and immigration officials denied the “raids” and disputed the claim that the arrests were part of a more stringent approach, saying any detentions were simply part of “routine” enforcement activities. But a flurry of calls regarding arrests spurred immigration attorneys into rapid response efforts, and prompted protests on the streets of downtown Los Angeles.
“We know the daily patterns of people being picked up and taken,” Angelica Salas, executive director of the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles, or CHIRLA, said in an interview with The Washington Post. “There’s a natural flow of enforcement that happens every day. But this was not normal.”
While immigration advocates say more than 100 people were detained Thursday as U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials conducted home raids across three Southern California counties, the federal agency insists its operations were “routine” and not part of President Donald Trump’s unprecedented immigration crackdown.
ICE officials have yet to release detailed information on how many people the agency arrested Thursday and where they were taken into custody, only stating that the activities were “targeted and lead driven, prioritizing individuals who pose a risk to our communities,” according to ICE spokesperson Lori Haley.
ICE officials have yet to release detailed information on how many people the agency arrested Thursday and where they were taken into custody, only stating that the activities were “targeted and lead driven, prioritizing individuals who pose a risk to our communities,” according to ICE spokesperson Lori Haley.

Mexico warned its citizens living in the United States on Friday to “take precautions” and remain in contact with consular officials a day after the deportation of an undocumented mother following a routine visit with US immigration authorities.
Guadalupe Garcia de Rayos, 35, was deported Thursday after she checked in with the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement office in Phoenix a day earlier. The action sparked protests by supporters of Garcia de Rayos and drew praise from proponents of stricter enforcement of immigration laws.
Arrest while working at fun park led to Arizona woman’s deportation
The family of a woman convicted of voter fraud is speaking out after a Tarrant County jury sentenced her to eight years in prison.
Prosecutors say the reason officials at the elections department in Dallas didn’t stop the voter fraud from happening is because Rosa Ortega claimed she was a citizen on her application.

Urbana man charged with living, voting in U.S. illegally
URBANA — A Mexican national who has lived in Urbana since 2005, allegedly using a stolen identity, was arraigned Thursday on seven federal counts, including four related to voting by an illegal immigrant.
Miguel Valencia-Sandoval, 33, who allegedly had been using the identity of a Texas man named Ramiro G. Vasquez, pleaded not guilty to the charges before Magistrate Eric Long at U.S. District Court in Urbana.
Valencia-Sandoval’s arraignment came on the same day that new U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions was sworn in, stressing that the nation ne
President Donald Trump’s “wall” along the U.S.-Mexico border would be a series of fences and walls that would cost as much as $21.6 billion, and take more than three years to construct, based on a U.S. Department of Homeland Security internal report seen by Reuters on Thursday.
The report’s estimated price-tag is much higher than a $12-billion figure cited by Trump in his campaign and estimates as high as $15 billion from Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

6 thoughts on “Fear spreads in L.A. after immigration 'raid' described as routine, protests erupt on streets, ICE sweeps spiking…”

  1. 100 people? Seriously!? 50 million to go. Fake News.
    All reports of antimuslim violence turns out to be self staged.
    This immigration crackdown if they are reporting 100, is complete bullshit.
    Southern California’s crackdown should start with the state congressman’s family HE SAID were illegals and using fake SS#’s, that’s a felony, baby.
    Is there ANY news that’s fk’ing real? Just more deep state propaganda to create violence that the Patriots will put down with SEVER PREJUDICE, since Defending the Republic is everyone’s duty.
    Create the violence deep state. We’ll end that violence. Start the war. Please.

  2. So, by her reasoning, during the Obongo years nobody did their job, so, it’s “not fair” now that ICE decided to enforce the laws? The reasoning is, “it’s illegal, but we just ignore it. That’s fair”.
    Oh, and it’s all Trump’s fault. Things are coming unhinged here in Sorostan.


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