by AC
The report is a black button to the right on the page. It’s a 68 page PDF.
Below are screenshots from the PDF linked from above.
Preferably no more than 3 new clothing items per year. Who needs clothes in this new Garden of Eden anyway 🤷‍♂️?
— FrĂ©dĂ©ric Leroy (@fleroy1974) July 24, 2022
You can still fly once every 2-3 years. Short distances only.
— FrĂ©dĂ©ric Leroy (@fleroy1974) July 24, 2022
Here's an article on Khan, where he's pledging that "London will eat less meat"
— FrĂ©dĂ©ric Leroy (@fleroy1974) July 24, 2022
And with Davos and the Club of Rome in the background, no wonder that the whole setup is technocratic & Malthusian at its core.
— FrĂ©dĂ©ric Leroy (@fleroy1974) July 26, 2022
If you notice while reading the above, “C40 cities” are mentioned quite a bit.
Who happens to fund the “C40 cities” agenda? There’s a lengthy list but to name a few: Bloomberg, ARUP (the group responsible for the report above), Open Society (Soros), Clinton Foundation, The World Bank, etc. Here’s a list:
C40 Cities in a nutshell:
Not enough people are aware of C40 Cities.
The nutshell:
No owning cars, no eating meat, no travelling, but with infrequent social credit based exemptions.It’s just another of the thousands of NGOs acting as the arms of the Agenda 2030 beast.
— Global Freedom Movement (@GlobalFreedomM) July 25, 2022