HILLARY 2013: "I Would Like To See People Like Donald Trump Run For Office; They’re Honest And Can’t Be Bought"

by Strongman Shelford
Now you know hillarytards…. always remember it.

Before running against billionaire real estate mogul Donald Trump for the presidency, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told an audience at a private, paid speech she wanted to see more successful businessmen and women run for office because they can’t be bought.
In a speech made public by Wikileaks – which released an email from Hillary for America Research Director Tony Caark containing three attached speeches given at a private Goldman Sachs events – Clinton spoke and took audience questions at the “Builders and Innovators Summit” hosted by Goldman Sachs on October 29, 2013.


11 thoughts on “HILLARY 2013: "I Would Like To See People Like Donald Trump Run For Office; They’re Honest And Can’t Be Bought"”

  1. This corruption goes back to George H.W. Bush, a CIA agent serving as Vice President under Reagan. Bush Sr. gave us Iran/Contra and they were flying drugs into Bill Clinton’s Mena, Arkansas. Thank God we had a “special prosecutor” named Lawrence E Walsh who gave us the Walsh Report and it should be required reading for everyone who loves the USA. Why? Because if Casper Weinberger (Colin Powell was his # 1 aid) and the other Iran/Contra criminals had gone on trial and blown the lid off of the scandal, Bush Sr would have been impeached. In short, Bush Sr. had to lose and he put his Lieutenant, Bill Clinton, into the Presidency until his son, George Jr, could get the family’s Heroin replanted in Afghanistan. Read the Walsh Report on Iran/Contra and connect the dots and then it will become clear why Bush Sr and Bill Clinton are SO CLOSE, especially when they raised (and stole) billions for Haiti. So use some INSIGHT and connect the dots and understand why I call them the Bush/Clinton Crime Families. In truth, the Clinton Foundation is a slush fund and money laundering operation and the Bush/Clinton Crime Families have turned our country into a CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE. And, the sad part is, if they are NOT STOPPED, they will SELL US OUT to the New World Order. Now is the time to speak up, to put our lives on the line, to be prepared to die to save our country..


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