IT’S COME TO THIS: CNN out-stupids itself, pushes article comparing ICE officials doing their job to the Holocaust.

CNN out-stupids itself, pushes article comparing ICE officials doing their job to the Holocaust.

The amount of comparisons being made to the Holocaust to justify progressive agenda items online and in the media is shameful.
Somehow, someway, the Left keeps finding ways to exploit one of the evilest, vilest events in human history to compare their hot issue of the day to it … and it’s just gross. One of the ugliest tactics right now is comparing the men and women of ICE who are doing their JOBS to the behavior of the Nazis, like this pathetic take from CNN:

Why does CNN hate Bill Clinton so?

h/t ED

7 thoughts on “IT’S COME TO THIS: CNN out-stupids itself, pushes article comparing ICE officials doing their job to the Holocaust.”

  1. In response, ICE released a retort this morning, stating “We’re rubber and you’re glue. Whatever you say bounces off us, and sticks on you!”

    • Hey’ ayy! Love it! I loved the fact that Trump was /is considering abandoning Callie with drug and illegal immigration enforcement! They’ll be banging at the doors wanting free fed funds to start and to stop the avalanche! My remedy? EAT IT! Don’t cross US borders!!! This is the nightmare you created! LIVE with it!!!

  2. I ‘betcha’ that if the WWII European Jews knew that all’s they had to do was to get off the box cars and return to their point of origin, they would have done so in droves!!! Just sayin’!

  3. The jews cannot let go of the holohoax….and the jews own and operate CNN….so would you expect anything else coming from them? ICE is doing their job of ridding this country of ILLEGALS…..the Nazis were rounding up jews because of their religion…not because they were in the country illegally. Huge difference….

  4. I wonder if they, CNN, realize how much they have just trivialized the whole “Holocaust” narrative. Comparing the Jews of Europe to some “illegal” immigrants wanted on arrest warrants. Are they saying all the Jews in Europe were outlaws ??


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