New Barbie Doll Wearing Hijab – In America A Little Girl Will Look Into Her Mirror And Wrap A Scarf Around Her Head.

by Ruby Henley
I know this new Barbie doll is supposedly modeled after Olympic fencer Ibtihaj Muhammad, but isn’t that a sly way to invade the innocent minds of American children?   In saying that, I always knew  Sharia law would somehow fill the bowels of this Country, but I did not know exactly how.  I could not understand how such an evil concept could really become acceptable to Americans, especially with the rise of the terrorist group ISIS.
We as Americans have seen the graphic beheadings of Christians, and we know the cult of Islam calls for the destruction of those who are not of that cult.  Most of all, we as Americans know that Islamic sharia law at its core is an evil debasement of women.   A woman living under the rule of sharia law is treated as mere chattel.
Just as a man owns an expensive car, he keeps it under lock and key.  Under sharia law a husband keeps his wife/property under the same lock and key.  Any excuse will suffice under sharia law to debase and abuse women – that is the bottom line.  Just as Islam provides an excuse to destroy those who do not believe; thus, is sharia law.
With this creation of the Barbie doll going from “American pie” to, as Chelsea Clinton puts it, “Shero”…make no mistake about it…sharia law has deeply embedded itself in the hearts and minds of this Country.  Again while Americans are sleep walking, asleep at the wheel, and shopping at Wal-Mart, “Shero” Barbie will casually be thrown into the buggy. Later that night a little girl, while playing in her room, will look in a mirror and wrap a scarf around her head.

I don’t think Chelsea Clinton is gaining support for her praise of this Barbie doll.  Women on twitter are showing they at least understand what sharia law is.  
While Hillary Clinton has sold her soul to gain power in politics, one would hope her daughter would not follow in her footsteps.
Unfortunately, she clearly is.  It is difficult to predict if a child will follow blindly in a parent’s footsteps, whether that parent is right or wrong.  
When a baby is born into this world, they are born with innocent eyes.  They are fresh from God, birthed from the sanity of a mother’s womb.  
Once that baby bursts from the purity of that organic laboratory of God, safety and serenity is left behind.
Unless that womb belongs to a woman of God, that child will face an evil world with no safe space or means of retreat.
I may sound negative and hopeless in the way I view this world, but I am no longer a child.
Unfortunately, I have been in this world long enough to see the reality of the struggle most children will experience.
There was a time when I, too, had the eyes of a child, and I played with Barbie dolls.  I wish I could go back to that innocent time, for at least I could see a land filled with love and hope.

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11 thoughts on “New Barbie Doll Wearing Hijab – In America A Little Girl Will Look Into Her Mirror And Wrap A Scarf Around Her Head.”

    • Except Bernie is nowhere near as corrupted, nowhere near as tied to Wall Street and nowhere near as tied to the war industry.
      Disagree with him all you want (and I certainly disagree with him on many issues), but I’d rather have 1000 Bernies than 1 Clinton or Bush.

      • Bernie did git a 3rd 600 Thousand dollar house on da lake and a 100 thousand dollar sports car. Not bad for a socialist Commie! And Not a peep from him about Clinton stealing the election from him or of Seth Rich’s fate. Brazil was sure worried though!

        • I do think they paid him off — but he probably decided to go along with them even before that. He seems to genuinely think that Trump is so bad that even Hitlery would be a lot better (I strongly disagree with him there — but he seems to be unable to see the real Hitlery even after what she did to him).
          There’s a good chance the Hitlery campaign offered him a monetary reward for endorsing her despite what happened after he had already decided to do just that (but Hitlery didn’t know).
          In a situation like that, I would take the money as well (if Trump approached me saying he’ll pay me a million or so for saying he’s better than Hitlery when that’s what I really think, I wouldn’t say no either).
          He’s probably not 100% clean – but unlike Hitlery’s, his corruption has limits.

          • I can’t take anyone serious who can NOT see the corruption and Evilness of the Donkey, especially da HldeBeast and Obama. They are political hacks. The RePugs are guilty also, but they steal a much smaller fraction of the pie.
            Fortunetly I have enough money and a steady gubermint check I can NOT be bought by money nor swayed by treats. As a firm believer, though a sin lalden sorry excuse of a back slidin Christian wanabe

  1. Any parent who values this country will NOT purchase such a vile doll for their child to play with The kids of today are exposed constantly to this “pretend religion” daily at school….they don’t need to play with a doll at home…..
    Chelsea will definitely follow her parents into politics….she sees first hand the benefits of being a greedy politician and no punishments forthcoming for either Bill or Hill….so why not her? She will definitely win an election somewhere with snowflakes voting for her….then she will happily continue the Clintoon machine…..

  2. “but isn’t that a sly way to invade the innocent minds of American children? ”
    The writer is sick.
    Sounds a lot like J Edgar Hoover in 1951 or Senator Joe McCarthy.
    God, America, where have your brains flown off to?
    Actually, I’m hoping for a cross-dressing Trump Barbie. It would sell like hotcakes.

  3. Excellent. They have a Barbie doll that represents slavery, oppression and violence towards women. Does it come with an abusive husband that won’t allow her to go out of the house without a male escort? FGM instruments? Acid? This is not a doll for any child in my family.


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