Only 58.6% of retail rents paid in May. Landlords now risk bankruptcy. Many jobs lost to pandemic won’t return soon, if ever. Stagflation looming.



Many Countries Are Beginning to Drift Towards Negative Interest Rates

Historic monetary and fiscal policy has been deployed these last few months, which seems to be far from over.  Now many economies are beginning to consider negative interest rates due to the lack …

Inflation. The Stock Market’s Nemesis Lurks

An increase in the inflation rate is perhaps the most important of all risks for an investor to consider as it is the biggest nemesis to the stock market..

Impact of New Social Unrest on the US Economy in Two Charts

There is rising social unrest across the country right now and Goldman Sachs analyzes the fallout.

Wall Street Warning to Corporate America: Get Cash While You Can

Bankers have a message for America’s debt-laden companies: raise money now, because things could get a lot worse.The gradual reopening of businesses after months-long shutdowns and a pick up in manufacturing activity have given investors reason for optimism in recent weeks.

U.S. Economy Too Fragile for Congress to Remove Income Support

After approving the most generous unemployment benefits in U.S. history to help counter the coronavirus, Congress is in a bind over what to do when they expire at the end of next month.

U.S. Total Trade Slumps to Lowest Level in Almost a Decade

U.S. trade in goods and services plunged in April to the lowest level in almost a decade as the Covid-19 pandemic stifled demand and hindered logistics.Exports declined from the prior month by 20.5%, the biggest drop in comparable data back to 1992, to $151.3 billion.

Bond Market Flashes Stagflation Alarm After Fed’s Gusher of Cash

The bond market is sounding the alarm that the flood of cash that policy makers have unleashed to buoy growth in the face of the pandemic will have potentially painful consequences for the economy.The Treasuries yield curve is the steepest in three years, with long-maturity rates climbing…

Many Countries Are Beginning to Drift Towards Negative Interest Rates

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