President Trump Boldly Cuts Aid To Pakistan– Awan Brothers’ Court Date Postponed – China And Pakistan Dumping US Dollar.

by Ruby Henley
President Trump started the New Year by tweeting about the Country of Pakistan.

Donald J. Trump?
Verified account
Jan 1  
“The United States has foolishly given Pakistan more than 33 billion dollars in aid over the last 15 years, and they have given us nothing but lies & deceit, thinking of our leaders as fools. They give safe haven to the terrorists we hunt in Afghanistan, with little help. No more! “
President Trump has gone where no President has ever gone.  He is a ground breaker, and he is true to his doctrine:  “the accurate assignment of responsibility.”
Pakistan has supported the Taliban in Afghanistan, which President Trump pointed out in his speech on Afghanistan policy.  
“ Someday, after an effective military effort, perhaps it will be possible to have a political settlement that includes elements of the Taliban in Afghanistan, but nobody knows if or when that will ever happen.  America will continue its support for the Afghan government and the Afghan military as they confront the Taliban in the field.
Ultimately, it is up to the people of Afghanistan to take ownership of their future, to govern their society, and to achieve an everlasting peace.  We are a partner and a friend, but we will not dictate to the Afghan people how to live, or how to govern their own complex society.  We are not nation-building again.  We are killing terrorists.
The next pillar of our new strategy is to change the approach and how to deal with Pakistan.  We can no longer be silent about Pakistan’s safe havens for terrorist organizations, the Taliban, and other groups that pose a threat to the region and beyond.  Pakistan has much to gain from partnering with our effort in Afghanistan.  It has much to lose by continuing to harbor criminals and terrorists.
In the past, Pakistan has been a valued partner.  Our militaries have worked together against common enemies.  The Pakistani people have suffered greatly from terrorism and extremism.  We recognize those contributions and those sacrifices.
But Pakistan has also sheltered the same organizations that try every single day to kill our people.  We have been paying Pakistan billions and billions of dollars at the same time they are housing the very terrorists that we are fighting.  But that will have to change, and that will change immediately.  No partnership can survive a country’s harboring of militants and terrorists who target U.S. servicemembers and officials.  It is time for Pakistan to demonstrate its commitment to civilization, order, and to peace.”
The link to this brilliant speech is:
Pakistan’s Intelligence Service, ISI, is sympathetic to Islamic extremists within Afghanistan.  The ISI is the largest spy agency in the world.  In fact, it has been said the Awan Brothers work for the ISI.  We will discuss current news on the Awan Brothers later in this article.
We must never forget the fact that 9/11 terrorist Osama Bin Laden held refuge inside Pakistan for almost a decade.  It seems no one has had the guts to really admit the truth about Pakistan up until now.  President Trump is the first President to ever address the issue of Pakistan in a public speech.  His August 2017 speech on Afghanistan was boldly and directly presented.
President Trump’s solution in dealing with Pakistan seems to lie in pushing Pakistan to  negotiate with the legitimate Afghan government.   One way to force Pakistan into negotiations is to cut aid to the nuclear power.  How is Pakistan reacting to this move?
Pakistan’s foreign minister, Khawaja Asif, responded to the President on Twitter, writing: “We will respond to President Trump’s tweet shortly inshallah (if God wills it)…will  let the world know the truth…difference between facts and fiction.”
“Aid cuts will not hurt us,” Miftah Ismail, Pakistan’s de facto finance minister, told Reuters.  “That’s not the leverage they have, because it is something they have reduced drastically over the years.”
Reuters reports: “ Islamabad worries that the United States, seeking to exert greater pressure on its ally, could in future train its crosshairs on Pakistan’s fragile economy and impose some sort of financial sanctions.
“I can’t imagine how the U.S. financially or militarily hurts us and their own war effort doesn’t get hurt,” said Ismail, adding that it was impossible to find a solution to the Afghan conflict “without Pakistan being part of it”.
The U.S. officials have also suggested the Pentagon may ramp up drone strikes, driving Pakistani media to speculate if such air attacks would be widened beyond areas bordering Afghanistan.
Islamabad could “review its cooperation if it is not appreciated”, its United Nations representative, Maleeha Lodhi, told media this week, which many interpreted as a reference to the vital transport route ferrying supplies to U.S. troops in Afghanistan through Pakistan’s territory.
Pakistan remains committed to friendly relations with the United States, its powerful army chief, Qamar Javed Bajwa, told Capital TV on Wednesday, but warned Washington against “coercion”, and vowed not to “compromise on our self-respect”.—Reuters
Meanwhile, China is dumping the US dollar.  I have wondered what will happen here in the United States when China completes this move.  How bad will this hurt us?  What is China saying about Trump’s threat to cut aid to Pakistan?  Of course, China will come to Pakistan’s defense.  You can count on that.
China states:  “We have said many times that Pakistan has put forth great effort and made great sacrifices in combating terrorism. It has made a prominent contribution to global anti-terror efforts.”
Of course, the United Nations is siding with Pakistan, too.  This should tell us all we need to know about the trustworthiness of the UN.  We are definitely in an “under the radar” war with that demonic organization.  
China has taken Pakistan under its wing by pledging to invest $57 billion in its infrastructure.  Thus, while the US is cutting aid, China is ramping up its investment in Pakistan.  Unfortunately, Pakistan has the fastest growing nuclear arsenal in the world. To top that Pakistan is expanding its submarine fleet with Chinese assistance.
Now, lets talk about China’s plan to dump the US dollar and what the repercussions will be for the US.  But…surprise…Pakistan just announced its own plan to replace the US dollar with the Chinese yuan!  This looks really bad for the United States, but nothing intimidates President Trump.  I choose to trust President Trump knows what he is doing.
It is surprising to read between 2015 and 2016, trade between the two countries totaled $13.8 billion. Unfortunately, the US is being ganged upon by many in the world community, and frankly this is very concerning to me.  Pakistan is just one of the countries dumping the U.S. dollar and replacing it with the Chinese yuan.
Reading between the lines,  President Trump is not only aiming at Pakistan with the denial of aid, he is directly aiming at China, too.  How can he possibly counter China’s vast influence on the world economy?  I just don’t see how the United States can continue to be the number one global power it has been in the past.  I think we are in for some very hard times, despite what the markets are presently showing.
What is going on with the Awan Brothers?  You can not think about Pakistan without thinking about the Awan Brothers, too.  It has not been proven the Awans work for the Pakistani ISI spy agency, but it is definitely true, they are from Pakistan.  And we know they were spies inside the DNC, as they were transmitting classified information to an outside server.

Awan Brothers Court Date Disappears From Calendar After Being Postponed Twice.
Another day, another plot twist to the ‘Awan Brothers,’ story. Daily Caller reporter Luke Rosiak discovered Thursday that the Awan brothers’ next court date, scheduled for January 8th, 2018, disappeared from the calendar.
“Strange: The next court date was supposed to be January 8 (after being postponed twice) but it is not showing on the court’s calendar as of now, ‘ tweeted Rosiak on Thursday.
– Luke Rosiak (@lukerosiak) December 28, 2017
News of the disappearing court date comes amid a reports suggesting Imran Awan ran a car dealership that may have fronted as an overseas money laundering operation.
Luke Rosiak of the Daily Caller reports:
“On its Facebook page, CIA’s ‘staff’ were fake personalities such as ‘James Falls O’Brien,’ whose photo was taken from a hairstyle model catalog, and ‘Jade Julia,’ whose image came from a web page called ‘Beautiful Girls Wallpaper.’
If a customer showed up looking to buy a car from Cars International A, often referred to as CIA, Abid Awan – who was managing partner of the dealership while also earning $160,000 handling IT for House Democrats – would frequently simply go across the street to longstanding dealership called AAA Motors and get one.
While Imran and Abid Awan ran their car dealership in Falls Church, Va. in the early part of the decade, Drug Enforcement Agency officials a few miles away in Chantilly were learning that the Iranian-linked terrorist group frequently deployed used car dealerships in the US to launder money and fund terrorism, according to an explosive new Politico expose.
In 2010, the CIA dealership took a $100,000 loan from Dr. Ali Al-Attar, who is of Iranian heritage and was a minister in the Iraqi government, according to court records. Al-Attar is a fugitive wanted by the U.S. government. Philip Giraldi, a former CIA officer, wrote that Attar ‘was observed in Beirut, Lebanon conversing with a Hezbollah official ‘ in 2012-shortly after the loan was made.
Wayne Black, a former law enforcement group supervisor under Janet Reno’s public corruption department in Miami believes the Awans were likely laundering money.
‘ Based on the modest way Awan was living, it is my opinion that he was sending most of his money to a group or criminal organization that could very well be connected with the Pakistani government,’ said Black. My instincts tell me Awan was probably operating a foreign intelligence gathering operation on US soil, ‘ Black added.”
The following has been taken from:
“Why were they paid so much for doing so little? Intriguing as it is, that’s a side issue. A more pressing question is: Why were they given access to highly sensitive government information? Ordinarily, that requires a security clearance, awarded only after a background check that peruses ties to foreign countries, associations with unsavory characters, and vulnerability to blackmail.
These characters could not possibly have qualified. Never mind access; it’s hard to fathom how they retained their jobs. The Daily Caller has also discovered that the family, which controlled several properties, was involved in various suspicious mortgage transfers. Abid Awan, while working “full-time” in Congress, ran a curious auto-retail business called “Cars International A” (yes, CIA), through which he was accused of stealing money and merchandise. In 2012, he discharged debts in bankruptcy (while scheming to keep his real-estate holdings). Congressional Democrats hired Abid despite his drunk-driving conviction a month before he started at the House, and they retained him despite his public-drunkenness arrest a month after. Beyond that, he and Imran both committed sundry vehicular offenses. In civil lawsuits, they are accused of life-insurance fraud.
Democrats now say that any access to sensitive information was “unauthorized.” But how hard could it have been to get “unauthorized” access when House Intelligence Committee Dems wanted their staffers to have unbounded access? In 2016, they wrote a letter to an appropriations subcommittee seeking funding so their staffers could obtain “Top Secret — Sensitive Compartmented Information” clearances. TS/SCI is the highest-level security classification. Awan family members were working for a number of the letter’s signatories.”
In conclusion, it is my opinion, the Awan Brothers will never go to court, and, of course, they know all our Nation’s secrets.  Also, I believe they are ISI agents, and the day will come when the ISI uses all those secrets against the United States.  However, I know President Trump is acting now to protect our Country.  He has our backs, and we have his.

2 thoughts on “President Trump Boldly Cuts Aid To Pakistan– Awan Brothers’ Court Date Postponed – China And Pakistan Dumping US Dollar.”

  1. Unlike Iran, North Korea and the other “usual suspects” accused by the US government, Pakistan actually did support terrorism 17 years ago — ISI helped the Bushs pull off 9/11 (sending money to patsy Atta among other things).
    The Awan brothers are probably more of the same — ISI working with the Deep Staters to gather information on anyone who might not be 100% in line and support those who are.
    But that probably isn’t why their funding was cut — that’s because they dared vote the right way on the Jerusalem issue. Nuttyyahu and allies can’t tolerate dissent.

  2. LOL. The aid cares for nearly two million afghan refugees in Pakistan. They have now all been ordered to return to Afghanistan within 30 days where Trump wishes to care for them himself. Amerika is dumber than dumb.


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