SHOCK: Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley Sends Second Letter To FBI Director Comey Asking Why FBI Was Involved With Paying Research Firm For Trump/Russia Dossier.

by Pamela Williams
Wow, did I honestly just read this?  Senator Charles Grassley has sent his second letter to FBI Director James Comey to inquire about how the FBI became involved in colluding with Christopher Steele, a former agent for the U.K.’s foreign intelligence service, MI6, concerning the lurid dossier on President Donald Trump and Russia.  
I am sitting here reading this in disbelief, as this whole thing just keeps getting bigger and bigger like  Director Comey’s nose.  This is Senator Grassley’s second letter!  Does Comey really believe he can hide behind closed doors at this point?  Director Comey needs to wake up and confess his dirty deeds.
So now we discover the FBI was actually involved in that crazy dossier and the golden waters story!  I still am not clear on where this actually originated.  There was an actual rumor it originated on the Internet site 4chan as a prank.  Remember that?  But then it turned into the Christopher Steele spy story, and finally there was actually a man associated with Steele who was found deceased in his car.
Steele had been commissioned by an opposition research firm at the request of Republican opponents of Trump to dig into allegations that the Russian government had a substantial amount of compromising information on Trump during his effort to win the GOP presidential nomination. After Trump became the party nominee, a backer of Hillary Clinton continued to pay for the information.  This is unbelievable!
In October just a few weeks before the election, the FBI agreed to fund Steele’s investigations even as it remained unsure about the legitimacy. No payments were ever exchanged, but the damage was done after the dossier became public knowledge.  Who would ever imagine the FBI would be mixed up in such a thing?
“The idea that the FBI and associates of the Clinton campaign would pay Mr. Steele to investigate the Republican nominee for president in the run-up to the election raises further questions about the FBI’s independence from politics,” Grassley wrote in a March 6 letter to Comey.  However, that letter went unanswered.
Here is a video about the matter:
How can FBI Director James Comey continue to disregard the law when he is the Director of what used to be the most respected agency not only in the United States but the world?  What has he done to the FBI?  It can never recover from this type of damage.  While the FBI was created to uphold the law, it became involved with Hillary Clinton, and helped to destroy it…just as she does everything she touches, with the germs of dirty money.
In Grassley’s second letter dated March 28, he says, “The idea that the FBI and associates of the Clinton campaign would pay Mr. Steele to investigate the Republican nominee for president in the run-up to the election raises further questions about the FBI’s independence from politics, as well as the Obama Administration’s use of law enforcement and intelligence agencies for political ends.”
Why doesn’t someone just charge Clinton and Obama once and for all?  
Further Grassley demands that “all FBI policies, procedures, and guidelines applicable when the FBI seeks to fund an investigator associated with a  political opposition research firm connected to a political candidate, or with any outside entity.”
A very important aspect in Grassley’s communications to the FBI is his focus on Andrew McCabe.  McCabe was a friend of Hillary’s.  He is currently under investigation by the FBI’s Inspector General for playing a role in Clinton’s email investigation.  Here we go again with Hillary Clinton’s poisonous touch.
McCabe’s wife accepted nearly $700,000 in political donations arranged by a close friend, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, for her run for state senator.  Remember that?  I do!
Grassley goes on to write:  “While Mr McCabe recused himself from public corruption cases in Virginia…he failed to recuse himself from the Clinton email investigation, despite the appearance of a conflict created by his wife’s campaign accepting $700,000 from a close Clinton associate during the investigation.”
A key passage from Grassley’s letter is as follows:
Mr. McCabe’s appearance of a partisan conflict of interest relating to Clinton associates only magnifies the importance of those questions. That is particularly true if Mr. McCabe was involved in approving or establishing the FBI’s reported arrangement with Mr. Steele, or if Mr. McCabe vouched for or otherwise relied on the politically-funded dossier in the course of the investigation. Simply put, the American people should know if the FBI’s second-in-command relied on Democrat-funded opposition research to justify an investigation of the Republican presidential campaign.
The following questions are being asked by Grassley of the FBI:

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  1. Has McCabe been involved “in any capacity” in investigating alleged collusion between TrumpWorld and Russia?
  2. Has McCabe been involved in surveillance or intercepts of any sort in the case?
  3. Has McCabe “made any representations to prosecutors or judges” regarding the Steele dossier?
  4. Has McCabe had any interactions with Steele himself?
  5. Did McCabe brief anyone in the Obama administration on the Trump-Russia investigation?
  6. Was McCabe ever authorized by the FBI to speak to the media about the case?
  7. Did he ever do so without authorization?
  8. Has anyone in the FBI raised questions about McCabe’s possible Clinton-Trump conflict of interest?
  9. Has any complaint been filed about it?
  10. Has anyone at the FBI recommended or requested that McCabe recuse himself from the Russia-Trump investigation?

I truly appreciate Senator Charles Grassley and his commitment to the inquiry into the FBI’s role in this whole horrid affair.  America waits speechless and in shock for answers.


32 thoughts on “SHOCK: Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley Sends Second Letter To FBI Director Comey Asking Why FBI Was Involved With Paying Research Firm For Trump/Russia Dossier.”

  1. Since when did the FBI start out=sourcing investigations,eg.Crowdstrike (disproven as credible AND closely tied to Hillary)was relied on by Comey to “investigate” DNC computers…Wow! Then FBI hires an agency to run a “hit” piece on one of the Presidential candidates in an attempt to “frame” that person…Way to run an FBI investigation Comey! Wow! 2nd in “command” at FBI who by the way was personally appointed to that position by COMEY, takes money from Dems and refuses to step aside in “russian” investigation and actually takes almost complete control over “said” FBI “investigation”…kind of unethical like the Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch tarmac meeting.. don’t you think?.FBI has become the Fumbling Bumbling Idiots…..way to go Comey, McCabe, and all other Obama Administration officials who have obstructed justice, destroyed evidence, spied on US citizens and who knows what other criminal acts.

  2. The usual web of entanglement in election year politics. I suspect there are many times the players than are mentioned in this article. It’s interesting that this has come forward AFTER Comey got grilled in the hearing.

    • I agree with you 100% .. the 8 years of covering for Obummer will come sooner than we think, and I can’t wait for it to fall apart. Once it does, I’ll be among the first to cheer.

    • I suspect that’s coming but, right now. Trump is “playing with” all of them as he gathers more evidence not that I haven’t heard enough already!

  3. None of this should be a shock to anybody. Comey was appointed by Obama because he knew him in 2003 and the man had done some lawyer laundry for the Clintons. A quick search on the net reveals Comey has no former intelligence or even military experience. He continues to do laundry for the Clintons from his office. Trump should have fired him as soon as he came into office.

    • I agree, JMG. Comey was, indeed, appointed by Obummer, simply because he knew him in 2003 as the man who had done some lawyer laundry for the Clintons. What a POS, has no former intelligence or even military experience. He still does laundry for the Clintons from his office. You’re absolutely right, Trump should’ve fired Comey as soon as he assumed office .. However, he can still fire the POS, it’s not too late to do so.

  4. “How can FBI Director James Comey continue to disregard the law when he is the Director of what used to be the most respected agency not only in the United States but the world?”
    A sense, a strong sense of entitlement comes with those alphabet agencies. Power corrupts as we all know, so when you take people who can literally do ANYTHING they want to another human being and couple it with arrogance, hubris, sociopathic tendencies, well you get Comey, the Clintons and all the gang. ????

  5. Still, it looks bad for Trump to fire him, and Comey is relying on that. He’ll (comey) keep the russian charade up to keep his job and out of jail. If I’m Trump, I let Comey come to me and ask for an out. In order to get that, Trump will need to pardon many, and it may be the best thing for the country. Easily the worst scandal the country has ever faced.

  6. Russia stoped the USA from stealing Syria for the Zionist nightmare of their “greater Israhell” project. Nitwityahoo is throwing and industrial sized hissy fit. So he told his bit#h, the USA Federal Empire, to yell Russia did it as loud as they can. That is why all the Russia hysteria in NATO, cause Nitwityahoo is mad at Russia for stopping the theft of Syria. Seems to me, Nitwityahoo is the problem.

  7. “Why doesn’t someone just charge Clinton and Obama once and for all?”
    If you don’t realize by now…let me explain: THERE ARE NO CONSEQUENCES FOR CORRUPT DEMOCRATS.

  8. If a person watches C-Span too much I suggest they will be driven mad, as in m-a-d. Watching these perky little millionaire Lawyers, in their fashion clothing, playing Lawyer with each other, making no sense- (whatever happened to common sense) -at all…a Common Core of thievery and contempt for we the people, running along a vein so deep and obvious, it is sickening. Is more than harmful to ones mental health, is challenging to ones ability to hold themselves back and just not -let it all hang out. As in, load the gun Sally, I, am going to Washington D.C.. Not for me though, I don’t see anything about the system or the people worthy of my devotion and surely nothing worthy of my present day ability to walk out into a field and escape it all. Don’t know of anyone with the power or the ability to change a single course of history that we follow along today, not President Trump, not Trey, or anyone. Well, we know the King (the eldest son of the Rothschild Family, the direct offspring of Mayer Amschel Bauer) can change the past, present, and the future, with a mere utterance from his mouth, even the gods and their wishes, their demands, must change to conform to the King of all the Earths’ living things will. Bet he doesn’t watch C-Span, probably one of his own does though.


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