Trump Was Right Again! Swedish Minister Forced To Apologize For Lying About Sweden´s Rape Plague

Sweden’s ruling liberal party Integration Minister has been forced into an embarrassing U-turn after she falsely told BBC the number of reported rapes in the country was falling.
The minister was forced to correct herself on Saturday. “I based my answer on information that I had at the time, that the number of reports of rapes went down in 2015,” she told the Dagens Nyheter newspaper.
“It was wrong of me to speak of a development that was only based on one year. The preliminary figures for 2016 unfortunately show that the figures are on the rise. It’s important to be correct, of course,” she added.
Interview given to BBC in Feb.2017
The Swedish government is the weakest we have ever had and now they are starting to feel that the people are abandoning them. They are being questioned more and more. But people are waking up slowly and gaining momentum every day. People who have been silent are starting to speak out and “alt. media” is getting more accepted by the hour.

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