This potato is making the US a laughing stock in the eyes of the world….

UK media: Nowhere to hide, Joe: President adopts fetal position as he crumbles under questioning and tries to blame Trump for Afghanistan
Joe Biden crumbled on Thursday night when confronted by reporters with the deaths of 13 troops and 90 people who were slaughtered at Kabul airport.

The 78-year-old President was lost for words at some moments and frustrated in others, gripping his notebook and widening his eyes while reporters, which had fawned over him in the first few months of his presidency, asked him questions. He then tried to blame it all on former President Donald Trump..

Trump slammed Biden’s team for giving the Taliban a list of Afghan allies they said should be evacuated, calling it a ‘kill list’ for a group of terrorists who may end up killing them in revenge for their cooperation with the US in the war. Biden said he didn’t know about the kill list when asked at the press conference, but said it ‘could exist’.


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