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Who makes decisions like this to place this infected guy with mental illness in a nursing home?

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Shocking developments have come to light in the case of a young black man who brutally battered an elderly military veteran at a nursing home in a video that went viral on social media.

The father of the assailant is speaking out, saying that his son suffers from serious mental illness and was quarantined in a nursing home with at-risk elderly people after testing positive for COVID-19.

Kimberly Craig of WXYZ 7 ABC broke the insane news that shows how the most vulnerable are being put at risk due to the decisions of government bureaucrats and the so-called first responders.

“He has issues and for them to put him in a facility like that, nothing good was going to happen,” the suspect’s father said to 7 Action News.

In addition to having a history of mental illness, the assailant has an assault case that is pending in Washtenaw County. This highly dangerous individual was put around vulnerable people who he could brutalize as well as possibly infect with COVID-19.

The assailant’s father said that his son had been taken to a group home for supervision, but had a mental health relapse as he was hearing voices in his head. When he was taken to the University of Michigan Hospital for supervision as a result, he was diagnosed with COVID-19. That is when he was taken to the Westwood Nursing Center where he would commit his savage assault.

It is unknown whether or not the nursing home called the police to alert them about the assault that had taken place in their facilities. The assailant is currently in police custody, and it is yet to be determined if he will be charged for what he did…


h/t thc


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