Windfarms Are Destroying The German Economy

by Natura Naturans

High Electricity Costs, Hostile Environmental Activism, Uncertainty Now Crippling German Economy …Outlook Bleak

German online weekly FOCUS writes Germany is turning into “Europe’s economic sick man” – due in large part to high energy prices and fierce environmental radicalism.

The German weekly reports how German industrial production has been falling, citing figures from the automotive, chemicals and pharmaceutical industries, all of which need large quantities of energy.

German industrial production in freefall

German economic output, now bordering on a recession, has been slowing down markedly since early 2018 and is now lagging behind the Eurozone average.

FOCUS cites a chart provided by Global Insight, Commerzbank-Research, which shows the 3-month moving average for industrial production, with 2015 equaling 100:

The rest of the EU had the sense not to commit to the outrageous cost of windfarms and industrial production is not declining much there.…ook-bleak/



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