Yale Study: Coronavirus Shows 24-Day Incubation Period, Doctors Say Possible To Catch More Than Once

This article was written by Spiro Skouras and originally published at Activist Post

In this video report, Spiro examines new information regarding the deadly coronavirus outbreak which could potentially be a game changer as the numbers of infected and dead continue to rise.

Two key points which could potentially be a game changer for this coronavirus outbreak. Number one, a Yale study conducted by several Chinese doctors and scientists of the 2019 novel coronavirus clearly states that the virus has a 3- to 24-day incubation period. Currently, the quarantine time has been set at 14 days, so according to this study, people who could have been exposed to the virus and completed the 14-day quarantine and were released, could possibly still be infected for another 10 days while showing no symptoms, but is still being contagious, possibly infecting others. Second, it appears that it is possible to contract the virus a second time, with even more dangerous results than the first time.


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