SHOT: The resistance to Trump is blossoming – and building a movement to last.
Literally wiping the tears from my eyes. This is so funny. OMG. #WailingWankers
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) November 9, 2017
On a long enough timeline, every Simpsons gag becomes reality.
h/t SG
Reminds me of a Texas/OU weekend with booze.
primal scream therapy religion is a step up for these atheist fools
Cheap shot at atheists. If atheists deserve to be insulted in your mind just because they don’t follow your religion that makes you about as worse as Islam, doesn’t it?
actually, i respect muslims for having the common sense to understand that a creator is a natural explanation for creation….following a genocidal pedophile polygamist is where i part ways with them….
keep on believing in nothing and see where it gets you….i will continue to seek truth and it will set me free
Truth? Common sense? The abrahamic religions are just there to control people. You poor fool. You have been shnookered! There is no proof for your abrahamic god.
He is a petty and arrogant fool luxuriating in ignorance. Personally I really don’t care if someone wants to worship some cult and an invisible magic man in the sky. It gets laughable though when they try to assume a position of superiority and then pathetically try to belittle others.
Thats the problem with abrahamic religions. They adopt this set of beliefs and anybody else who doesn’t believe as they do are somehow lesser beings in their minds. Its high time that problems with abrahamic religions gets a world wide public hearing without the fear of being discriminatory.
hes on some sort of delusional mind trip. lol
Yep! Western version of Islam/taliban.
he is truly delusional. lol
lo you prefer a murdering incestuous thieving religion. lol yes christianity is judaism 2.0 lol
chris you should have sex with super rebel, because i can see the heat…
now for a lesson in simple logic and morality…and futility that either of you has enough sense and honesty to follow….
in atheism-satanism-relativism one is “free” to make up their own rules and follow them….killing in the name of satan-atheism is perfectly moral in this kind of framework.
funny how atheists-satanists conveniently forget that the murders of the 20th century dwarf any before and they are mostly communist-atheist-satanist murders…100 million in communist china, 60 million in ussr, 2 million in communist cambodia, 1 million in marxist turkey…and many more…but those are facts and those send snowflake atheists into a safespace frenzy…
under the rules of God Jesus, they are absolute and hating is the same as murder…there is no room for someone to murder and say they are doing it in the name of Jesus. One is either a follower of Jesus or following their own rules to justify murder (something that we just established is satanist-atheist in nature)
also, islam is the old testament 2.0….they follow all the same man made laws about food and the like that Jesus taught were not necessary…I realize you 2 can only rebleat whatever cnn blows up your ass, is there anything original to your thought ? didn’t think so
clearly your mind is gone to la la religion land. its obvious when you aren’t drooling over your desert rat buybull you dream up more idiocy to point your twisted reasoning at. soo pathetic. now you want to pair A-theists,which are those who DO
NOT believe in your theist idiocy with your theist boogeyman. its laughable. and pathetic that you live in such a narrowly defined reality . wow,now you want to drag marxism/judaism into the mix too. lol wil your mind ever become hinged? i doubt it. you drool over your silliness. as for killing,you hypocritical christians which are absolutely judaism 2.0 ,down to stealing their messiah stupidity. and their 10 commandments which were stolen from the code of hammurabi,the only 10 that they were able to understand,and the ones they violate daily. killing being the chief violator. tell me fantasy maker,who’s laws were followed prior to the mythical joshua guy? or before the habiru ,thieves,murderers etc stole the idea of one sky god/the sun from ankhenaten? your theistic nonsense has turned your meager brain cells to mush. note hoe you truly are the epitome of evil hiding behind theism. lol lol
i notice that you don’t address the difference between relativism (the anything goes morality of atheists satanists) which means there is no evil…war, murder, pedophilia are all ok.
compared to a universal absolute morality under which all of these are grave sins.
As the world becomes less Christian and more relativist like yourself, i hope you will notice it becomes more evil and more violent…but pretty sure your brainwashing will not allow you to see with your own eyes.
hope you wake up to how absolutely empty your belief is and when you do keep in mind “Learn truth, and the truth will set you free”
i notice that you harp on your delusions no matter what anyone says. you think your theist nonsense does any good? lol lol you poor slob, if you wanted the truth you would abandon your religious mind control. but you prefer to be a mind slave. lol
shame on me for throwing pearls before swine chris….
you still refuse to discuss the difference between relativism and absolute moral standard, why is that ?
you are pretty good at hurling weak insults, so i assume your brain functions….which means you are as brainwashed as any scientologist….not much chance of you waking up though since the media strokes your insane idiocy 24/7
still think yor tiny brain is superior to others ehh? you live in a walled off empty arena. somehow you are confused,but wait,its obvious why you are. moral standards are always subjective , what you haughtily call relatism. do you seriously think your religious idiocy is anything other than relative/subjective to your silly sky god beliefs? the only brainwashed/indoctrinated grey matter on display is yours hypocrite. you think following the ancient baal worshippers beliefs is somehow more moral than common sense and logic. logic,something that is missing from the brick wall on top of your neck. what you display endlessly is hypocritical beliefs and indoctrinated nonsense. if you actially thought for yourself you might be helped. but your name “truth your freedom is a definite misnomer for a braindead sheeple such as you. best change it to truth is your a hypocrite. lol pathetic truly pathetic from someone who follows the MOST immoral religion. lol
poor chrissy….go talk to your fellow atheist about relativism…you are obviously less intelligent than the average atheist , but don’t worry their “intelligence” makes their brainwashing stronger than yours and they will comfort you….go back to sleep…or better yet, wake up
poor hypocrite. still cannot understand a-theist means no believing sky god bullshit. but then there are NONE SO BLIND as those who WILL NEVER see. isn’t that right mister truth is not in you? your lack of discernable IQ is disturbing to say the least. you are in for a surprise when you dies and find you wasted your entire life on a pipe dream. lol
chrissy, are you blonde ? you still don’t have a clue about relativism even though it is at the center of atheism/satanism…
also, when talking about after death you are an even bigger fool…if there is nothing….then none of us would feel anything let alone disappointment after death….
however if there is an afterlife, you are going to have the opportunity to finally realize what a fool you are
pathetic truth is not in you ,much less freedom. i seriously doubt tat your latest word that you learned is in your ability to understand. its clear that while you blast the word relativism from your gaping hole in your face,that your tiny grey matter has no clue to what it means. how pathetic, next time you learn a new word ,try and figure out what it means. your pathetic attempts to tie a-theism with satanism and again to relativism display your utter ignorance of all three. christian hypocrites such as you are the real creators of this satan concept as some sort of evil. you fail to even understand that this “satan’ you fear is not the evil that is in yourself. lol so now you want to switch yoo yet another topic that you are grossly ignorant of,life after death? tell me when was the last time a dead person visited you and told you that they were living well off,and want you to join them? lol lol the disappointment will be all yours when you die and realize that all your current delusional fantasies were false,that is if you recall them at all. as you travel down that tunnel to the recycling yard to be reborn in another body. thats your afterlife,after this one you clown. but then brain damaged cultists of the christian variety cannot comprehend their own delusions. lol
chris, you actually started to think about your beliefs in your last message !
I encourage you to continue to do so and to talk to satanists….they LOVE atheists and their rule “do what thou wilt is the whole of the law” is exactly in line with relativism that is the heart of atheism.
I don’t know what is beyond this life and neither do you….i just pointed out that your statement of the afterlife had no logic to it.
If it turns out God is the source of this wonderful creation, you are going to have a lot of splaining to do….if it turns out that this awesome amazing universe popped out of nothing and amazing and awesome returns to nothing (not much logic in that !) then it doesn’t matter !
lol you are hilariously stupid. you fail to realize that your hypocritical christianity is relativism. news flash paranoid fraud. there is no such thing as satan ,devil etc . and again your inability to comprehend what A-THEIST means is startling/. change your name to lie and slavery of the mind. your meager grey cells ar gone to la la land. lol how can you state my afterlife has no logic? why ,lets look at your idea of afterlife. eternity,bowing and ass kissing some sky god that ignores you on earth. lol thats truly logical. you cannot grasp what relativism is, thats clear. your silly superstitious belief is relativism, for t you. but wait, you claim the universe cannot pop out of nothing and yet your sky god POPPED IT OUT OF NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hilarious. yes you are greatly confused and hopelessly ,even grotesquely stupid. when you learn what you don’t know then try talking . as it is you are one lost hypocriticall low IQ christian. you are in for a surprise when you die and find if you recall your silly beliefs,there is no garden,no sky god judging you,no clouds to sit on for eternity. lol lol pathetic,yes you are. you sure bought the BULL in the buy bull.
chrissy is back ! so in your atheistic world, who decides what is good or evil ? in fact who decides that evil or good even exist ? let’s see if you can think for yourself….i am rooting for you even as i bet against you !
you poor delusional slave. truth is beyond your grasp. you are such a mindless brainwashed little mental midget its amazing. i guess your indoctrination tells you some imaginary friend decides good and evil. did your friend tell you it created both? lol lol as it is the majority in society decides what is acceptable or not ,not your imaginary friend who really isn’t your friend is it. lol
chrissy ! you regressed to your brainwashed bigotry again…
are you scared because your brainwashing has not programmed your answer for simple questions ?
in atheism, who decides what is right or wrong ? who decides what is good or evil ?
you believe you came from nothing and return to nothing…what a fool you are !!
are you getting a glimmer for why Solomon labeled atheists insane fools and that is causing your anger ?
liar in lif, youtr immature attemps at adult discussion fail hop from one topic to another while not understanding what you are talking about. its really hilarious. somehow in your feeble hy[pocritical mind you seem to think that morality stems from your jewish belief roots. more hilarity. what happened did you realize or did your mommy point out that trying to equate relattivism to A-theism doesn’t work? lol oh wait whence did the misunderstanding of satanism go also? you never answered my question. how is it that your mindless grey matter is unable to process that you think your sky god popped everything from nothing? and please tell us where your sky god popped in from. eagerly awaiting that answer, tiny ,tiny cretinous blob of cells. lol lol now you hark back to yet another mythical tale. solomon? lol lol the myth states solomon solomon who practiced black magic? who followed the occult. lol lol your silly theisms are twisted and confused much as you are tiny tiny male.
chris, you sound like that robot on star trek when kirk asked a question beyond it’s programming and it blew a fuse…slow down buddy !
Sit down and have a talk with a fellow atheist who is more advanced in the brainwashing …he should be able to explain to you:
1. yes, atheism means relativism for morality
2. relativism is a good thing
as for the creation of the universe…atheists are the ones that believe EVERYTHING came from NOTHING.
An infinite Creator is infinitely greater than the universe/creation…so the universe came from infinity, which is a little bit more than nothing.
If you find that belief in nothing doesn’t have the answers for you, feel free to call, Jesus arms are always wide open for you and His love is infinite.
Peace !
wow,you are way out of your depth hre ans still do not get it. for the 10th time moron A-THEISM is no belief in the trashy religious dogmas you follow that date back to primitive humans who believed thunder storms were their sky god masturbating and rain his sperm. you are incapable of understanding anything. yo abandoned your silly attempt to tie relativism to a-theisn/satanism. now you are off on another tangent. tell me you hypocritical hateful believer,where did your sky god pop into being from? and how did a popped being pop everything from nothing. looks as if you are the idiot who believes something came from nothing. infinite huh? infinite had tyo start somewhere. but your brainwashing doesn’t allow thinking or speculation on anything but the playbook that is forced on you. fools such as you have no idea what love is ,you merely spout off the lame term that is used to try to hook people into your particular delusion. you were born with a brain but choose not to use it ,choose to let it rot into a slimy mess of stupidity. you religious are to be pitied . pathetic, useless nuts.
uh the elite want no such thing. their goal is to use islam as communism was used to instill fear and chaos in the world.
actually the elite are happy with weak minds period…that is why islam, scientology, atheism, satanists, etc….are all nwo approved….christianity is fought against with genocide and 24/7 msm brainwashing and hate because it encourages strong critical thinking and a universal morality that the banksters cannot subvert….
truth is simple, lies are complex….truth frees, lies enslave….Glory to God in Jesus name for truth
lol lol christianity is brain rot. too bad yours is more than half gone.
nah thats not true. the elite use muslims because few understand them and hollywird has painted them as violent for yrs. you know,black robes,waving scimitars. its all circus.
In the US, so far, we still have freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Let your catfish mouth/brain go.
in the u.s. nothing is free .
I’m an atheist and I don’t believe in any of this BS. This, however, is a great protest, because it’s so pathetic and embarrassing. These are the idiots that want scumbags like Clinton, or Obama, or Bush back in power. You know, the group of thugs that have kept this nation in war for over 16 years. We’ve had scum in the executive office since Reagan left office.
And just because I don’t believe in the BS you believe in on top of that doesn’t make me a fool.
in relativism-atheism…everyone gets to be a god and create the world as they see fit…
bravo to you for realizing this howlers are nuts…and an even bigger bravo for being against the banker whores like clinton, bushes, etc…
but you do realize your relativism means those howler monkeys are as valid as you ?
as for my beliefs, they are based on the scientific fact, that something comes from something….when atheists figure out how this amazingly beautiful, perfect, and complex universe came out of nothing, give me a call
And they call themselves “rational”? Right–as rational as the SQUARE ROOT OF TWO! (Which, BTW, goes on forever pretty much…and how the heck did division by zero come about? Darwin? Gould? Dawkins? And I used to be an atheist!
clearly your mind is impaired. a-theist means NO belief in your silly superstitious sky gods that neither you nor anyone else has ever seen ,nor ever will see if something comes from something then tell us all where the original something came from. lol
tell us where your science as religion says everything came from…and keep in find that observed science never has anything coming from nothing (beyond heisenberg uncertainty principle magnitude that is)
typical atheists think they are geniuses with facts when they are actually insane fools that don’t even understand basic science
reagan was the same cut of cloth.
This is not funny. This is sad. They are so black and white about it. The “classical” liberals, who these SJW’s turn on when there are no trump supporters to pick on, are making the observation that they are almost like a fundamentalist, secular, cult.
Just say it like it is…” f*ckers are dumber than dirt.”
This SJW thing is more insidious than just pain stupidity. There is something evil here.
Now THAT;s a good reason to make yourself hoarse!
Suck it up Buttercups!
These clowns inadvertently made the soundtrack to hell
the simpson thing was funnier. lolwhat a bunch of cave people. lol lol