Number of ‘Asylum Seeker’ War Criminals Discovered in Sweden Doubles in Two Years/With added Canada

The number of war criminals being discovered among asylum seekers in Sweden is rapidly increasing with the Swedish Migration Board claiming cases have doubled in the last two years.
In 2014, the Swedish Migration Board reported 12 asylum seekers to the Swedish police’s commission on war crimes but that number rose to 21 in 2015, 41 in 2016, and 52 last year, Svenska Dagbladet reports. Reports of suspected war crimes from other sources have also increased from 42 in 2015 to 79 in 2017.
Sweden convicted four war criminals in 2017, with one 48-year-old war criminal being found guilty of killing seven people in Syria. Investigations can be expensive to carry out and take years as they require the cooperation of foreign governments.
Bye Sweden.
And then you have this crazy Swedish lady here…7
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THE European Union will refuse to give Britain any access to the single market or customs union after Brexit, Swedish finance minister Magdalena Andersson has warned.
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Leaked documents from the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) show that the intelligence service is far more concerned with Islamic terrorism behind closed doors than the Trudeau government will admit in public.
h/t Billy Bulgaria

1 thought on “Number of ‘Asylum Seeker’ War Criminals Discovered in Sweden Doubles in Two Years/With added Canada”

  1. Well eliminate the traitors letting them in.
    Hang Merkel, Juncker, Schulz, and any other pedopriest or E.U.politician that betrays the Citizens …….. as an example for the next leaders to do their duty.
    It is government’s main duty to kill raping, pillaging, murdering, invaders at the border.
    It is the responsibility of every government to ensure the safety and security of its people
    Then to hang any traitor who opens the City Gates to them ……..
    Sink the Invader’s Landing Craft and shoot any that make it to the shore line.
    Immigration without Assimilation is Invasion.
    LEADERS protect their Citizens ….. TRAITORS allow enemies in to attack the Citizens.


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