by andywarhaul
Thousands march in protest of the corruption in the Dominican perpetrated by Odebrecht and the Dominican government. The Dominican Republic received 92 million in bribes from Odebrecht.
For those of you that don’t know the DOJ made their case and subsequent convictions against Brazilian construction company called Odebrecht.
The long and short of it is that they had a department within the company that was designed to bribe governments and various officials to get contracts for the company. They were mainly involved in larger construction projects. They seem to do a lot of airports. They had quite the operation and procedure for pulling of their bribes and hiding it in their books:
The Division of Structured Operations managed the “shadow” budget for the Odebrecht bribery operation via a separate computer system that was used to request and process bribe payments as well as to generate and populate spreadsheets that tracked and internally accounted for the shadow budget. These funds for the company’s sophisticated bribery operation were generated by the Odebrecht Finance Department through a variety of methods, as well as by certain Odebrecht subsidiaries, including Braskem. The funds were then funneled by the Division of Structured Operations to a series of off-shore entities that were not included on Odebrecht’s balance sheet as related entities. The Division of Structured Operations then directed the disbursement of the funds from the off-shore entities to the bribe recipient, through the use of wire transfers through one or more of the off-shore entities, as well as through cash payments both inside and outside Brazil, which were sometimes delivered using packages or suitcases left at predetermined locations.
But they got busted. There’s a lot of turmoil in Brazil as of late and Odebrecht seems to be involved with nearly all of it. Here’s a good summary of the situation in Brazil
Their situation contributed to the down fall and impeachment of President Dilma Rouseff
The judge that was killed in the plane crash in Brazil was running over seeing the probe into Odebrecht and all of “Operation Carwash” the anti corruption operation in Brazil
Knowing all this and knowing how Odebrecht operates there’s a couple of really interesting things to look at.
First that Odebrecht received all the initial contracts with the new temporary Libyan government that formed after the 2011 Civil war in the country that saw Gaddafi over thrown.
Second that Odebrecht gave the Clinton Foundation anywhere between $50,000-$100,000 dollars. And we know Odebrecht had a sophisticated bribery payment system to conceal their payments so there’s a good chance that it was a lot more than that. They did give out billions in bribes after all, not exactly stingy guys at Odebrecht.
That’s all very coincidental on the surface until you consider this email chain from the Clinton emails
So what you see in this email chain is first an “OpsAlert” email to Cheryl Mills, Clinton’s lead counsel. Cheryl then forwards it to the American Ambassador to Brazil and she highlights the following
Brazilian Foreign Minister Patriota said recognition of the Transitional National Council was “not necessary at this stage” and added the UN would determine the legitimate representative of Libya at the upcoming General Assembly.
Thomas Shannon the American Amb. to Brazil replies with
What surprises me about this public standoffishness by Brazil is that its companies have big contracts at stake, and these companies, Odebrecht in particular, brokered the initial contacts between the GOB and the TNC. Also, the GOB has sent its ambassador in Cairo to Benghazi to meet with the TNC. I will work back through these co mpanies to urge them to reach out to Patriota.
Mills then forwards it to Hillary Clinton with the message “fyi”.
What they are discussing is that Brazil voted at the UN not to recognize the temporary Libyan government. This meant that they didn’t have the authority to broker deals with foreign countries for contracts to rebuild Libya. Yet Odebrecht had already brokered several deals in Libya thanks to the help of the US State Dept. so Brazil voting against recognizing the government hurt the Brazilian company Odebrecht. Mills wants Shannon to reach out to the Brazilian government and push them in the right direction. Why would Mills and the Clinton State Department care so much about a Brazilian company? Maybe because that company paid them to secure those contracts through the governmental change??? Odebrecht had those contracts made up with the Gaddafi government but when he was over thrown they stood to lose the contracts, paying off the State Department to ensue you still were going to have the contracts seems like a smart move.
Odebrecht also has many projects within the US
It’s interesting that this doesn’t get covered in Mainstream media that much as it’s tied to so many wild situations from impeachment to killing judges.
As /u/Ninjakick666 pointed out this kind of stuff has been going on with Odebrecht since the 70s as seen in this memo
I guess the Take Away here is that it’s Business As Usual around the world, and if it’s dirty, there’s some kind of link to Hillary (then titled as ‘fake news’, if it’s ever even reported)…..
And NOTHING, EVER, will happen to anyone, nor change. The rich get richer, and EVERYONE else gets poorer.